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Oil Temp And Water Temp, Is It Possible To Get Wrong Way Round

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My oil temp gauge seems to read as if it's the water temp, could this be possible if something is plugged into the wrong sensor?

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Easy to check, flash each wire to earth and see what moves on dash, then check they are fitted to correct sensor.


Iirc the 8v oil temp sensor is down beside alternator, and water temp is at Tsat (and fed from a little separate bit of loom), so it unlikely these could be mixed up.


But maybe oil temp and oil pressure could be mixed up, as iirc these sensors are next to each other, down near alternator.


Or your oil temp sensor is knacked, or its reading correct.

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Oil temp sensor is in the sump ;)

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I stand corrected.


If Rams plug serving the water/Tstat and also oil temp has been cut out, then maybe a chance sensors wired wrong.


What's the sensor next to oil pressure? I can't remember.

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What's the sensor next to oil pressure? I can't remember.


The other one is also oil pressure. One is a sensor for the gauge and the other is a switch for the light.

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Thanks, I knew the sensor would be somewhere other than the thermostat housing just thought the plugs could be the same so when conversion was done maybe the wrong one went on to each sensor. So could this still have happened? If not whys my actually water temp gauge just sat on zero? Does move when ignition is turned on, just not much not even to the first notch. When ignition is switched off it goes back to nothing.

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Rams I'm not 100% sure how others have done theirs.


When I done mine I fitted all the 8v sensors on the 16v, and everything works and reads as it should.


I think all the plugs are colour coded to suit the sensors on the 16v, and molded to fit the appropriate sensor only, but there is a chance a couple of wires could be crossed where the looms are married.


Your water temp sensor should be reading a lot higher, mines reads 3/4 after a good booting.


You could still disconnect it, poke a bit of wire up the plug, and flash to earth, and this should cause it to read max.


There a guide on here identifying what sensor is what on the Tstat housing.

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could have cocked up the multiplug. just earth the sensor to the block, what ever gauge reads as full, that the one for the wire :)

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could have cocked up the multiplug. just earth the sensor to the block, what ever gauge reads as full, that the one for the wire :)

How do I do that?

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You just take the wire of the sensor and make sure its internal metal connector touches something that is earthed, i.e. an exposed bit of metal on the engine.


You may have to poke a wire into the connector and touch that on the engine block

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As Taffy say's except the 16V coolant sensor (BLUE) is two pin. (iirc one pin controls gauge, one pin controls Stop light)


So, this is what i'd do.


Disconnect the blue plug/top sensor on Tstat, bare both ends of a wee bit of wire, shove one end of bare wire up one of the pin slots, turn on ignition, flash the other end of the bare wire to earth, and see if the needle moves on the dash or stop light comes on. If nothing happens, try it up the other slot of the plug and see what happens.


If still nothing happens then you have a prob with it's wiring/jointing of the looms.

If both wires operate the dash then you prob need a new sensor.



If i was you i'd try get this sorted sooner rather than later as water temps have to be watched closely in these, especially in traffic ques etc, so you know your fans are kicking in when they should.

Edited by dobboy

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Thanks I'll try it tonight. The gauge has never worked but as long as the fan comes on, goes off and doesn't stay on the temps should be ok within reason

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Aye Rams, but you're better seeing the needle and knowing when they should come on, and knowing they do by watching the needle.


just think of the amount of rad switch failures that have been on here.

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