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Overheating - Engine Cooling Fan Not Coming On?

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Temp light, stop light came on today and temp gauge was reading high.


Noticed the cooling fan hadn't come on at all at low or high speed.


Any tips as to how to diagnose/test?

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Test the fan.


Do a search loads of info on this.


Mostly likely the switch screwed into the rad.

Edited by farmer

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I bridged pins 1 and 2 on the blue plug, fan comes on what I think is high speed.


if i bridge other pins, I cannot get the low speed to work. Same if I try the larger brown test plug shown below.


Theres another smaller plug which was loose - should this be plugged into the fan resistor to allow low speed fan? Thing is, I cant find the resistor anywhere and I have previously had both low and high speed fan working fine.


Maybe the resistor has fallen out and got lost?! If there is no resistor will this also stop the fan working on high speed?


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fan will work on high speed fine, but that is the resistor plug indeed.

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Thats odd the. I didnt get any fans earlier, not even high speed. And it begs the question where the f#ck has my resistor disappeared to!


So best course of action to fit new rad switch and resistor?

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you can just bridge the resistor plug with a length of decent cable and two crimps, I'd test the thermoswitch, but they aren't too expensive, £12 for the last one I bought IIRC, any motorfactor will have a suitable on available, I use a slightly lower temp unit to go with the 83 degree thermostat rather than the 89 degree standard unit and the 97/101 switch.

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Ok, excuse the stupid question but the switch and thermostat are two different things are they?


Which one is the bit on the rad that the blue plug connects into?

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yes, thermostat is in the thermostat housing, there's no point running a lower temp switch if you still have the standard thermostat.


thermoswitch is the blue plug on the rad.

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Thermostat = coolant temp sensor??

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no, thermostat = thermostat :lol:

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I have one but you can them from Pug still.

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no that's the early type, look at your plug...

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hang on, have you actually unplugged your blue plug today?

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Yeah unplugged it today. The two brown plugs were disconnected already but i unplugged the blue plug from the rad.

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just go to your local motorfactor, they'll have what you need for the thermoswitch, for the resistor go and see Jeff.

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My local motorfactor so far, have been s*ite, so wanted to check what the right one was first :)

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Check your earths mate, the ones near the headlights. That's what was causing my fans not to work.

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So a two pin switch is correct?


Will check earths

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So a two pin switch is correct?


Will check earths

no, see my link.

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Tom Fenton

Check out eBay item 301301235043


The red band switch is the standard fit to our GTI's.

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Great, thanks both. is my link above correct for the thermostat?

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