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Engine Value Question.

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Hello All,


I realise that this may be a very difficult, if not impossible question to answer but I have no idea and value opinions here.


I'm at a crossroads with my car in terms of which route I go down with the engine. The original 1.9 8v had blown up long ago and I would like to go down either the Mi16 or GTI6 route.


I've been offered an Mi16 engine for sale locally but the owner doesn't want to tell me what he wants for it. Instead he has told me to research it because 'he knows what they're worth' and won't be letting it go cheap.


It's just the engine for sale, nothing else. I don't know if it's a aluminium or cast block. The engine is out of the car (not heard it running) and apparently it needs a crank regrind.


As I said, I haven't got a clue so would value any thoughts on value or otherwise.

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I'd tell Mi16 lad to stuff it tbh, he either gives you a price or nothing, reading on your description its worth nothing more than scrap value and will need a hell of a lot of money spending on it to even make it fire up let alone lasting any amount of time.


what do you want from it and what's wrong with a fresh 8v?

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Thank you for the quick reply, that sounds like good advice. It's what I figured/feared but appreciate the second opinion.


I have considered another 8v but the car is already far from standard and thought I may as well do something a bit more fun. My knowledge is pretty limited when it comes to these things but perhaps a pepped up 8v is the way to go.

Edited by Clapton_Is_God

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If its an alloy blocked Mi, in what sounds like need of a rebuild, if i had to put a price on it id say £100-150. Mine cost £1k to rebuild and that wasnt any fancy bits!


if it were me, for ease, i'd build a high comp 8v and spend the dough on induction :)

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Yes , high compression 8v is really fun to drive (very responsive with heaps of torque all the way trough the rev band !) .. cheap to build also providing that you have needed parts (1.9 DFZ pistons .. or 1.6 ones but need to press in 1.9 conrods .. they'll up the compression ratio to around 11.1)


Add to that lighter 1.6 flywheel , an aftermarket cam , gas flowed head , recurved dizzy or mappable ignition and it'll be superb engine ..



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Thanks for your feedback guys, it's given me plenty to think about.


I would like to have a go at doing it myself, I just need a better understanding of what I'm doing. Hopefully a search will throw up more info to avoid too many daft future questions.

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Mad Scientist

Clapton is god says he's at a crossroads! Brilliant!


Anyway, stick a gti6 lump in it!

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stay well clear of any engine you havnt heard running imo a decent mi16 alloy engine is dogs but dam near impossible to find in good condition if you want value for money, readily available ,easy to source and maintain id stick in a gti6 ;) not much difference between the mi and 6 mind but if u want 16v route id deffo go gti6

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Clapton is god says he's at a crossroads! Brilliant!

Anyway, stick a gti6 lump in it!

No pun intended there but great spot!


Thanks for your input guys.

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