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New Radiator, Where To Buy?

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Recently I've started to lose a lot of water, roughly 2 litres over ~20 miles. I'm thinking it may be due to the radiator, so I'm going to have my mechanic fit a new one and check to see if it solves the problem.


My 205 is a 1988 1.6 CTi, where would be the best place to buy one? Also is it the same as in a GTi?



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CTI radiators are the same as 1.6/1.9 GTIs and non-turbo diesels. They are widely available for surprisingly low prices, Nissens are good if you're on a budget.

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CTI radiators are the same as 1.6/1.9 GTIs and non-turbo diesels. They are widely available for surprisingly low prices, Nissens are good if you're on a budget.

Oh right, I assumed it had to be one made specifically for a Peugeot... I'm not too technically minded when it comes to cars.

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They do! Nissens is a radiator manufacturer and nothing to do with the car manufacturer Nissan. http://www.nissens.com/

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