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Roof Repainting Question

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Hello All,


A question for any painters out there or people with any experience of having their roof re-sprayed.


Is it possible to get the roof repainted and lose the paint edge between the two obvious ridges that run along the roof sides rather than blending it into the rear quarters? The ridges end about 4" from the front, would the paint there have to come all the way down the A pillar or is it possible to feather it in just past the ridge? I don't want to have to take the door weather seals off if I can avoid it. It's a pearlescent, metallic blue in water based paint if that's relevant.


The reason I'm asking is because my 205 is going into a local body shop next week to have the roof re-sprayed and I would like some knowledge in advance so I can make an informed decision on what's best rather than just taking everything they tell me as gospel.


Any advice would be much appreciated!

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