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Peugeot Multiplugs Available Seperatly ?

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Not a 205 but on my 2002 boxer 2.0 hdi van the three pin multiplug for the gearbox speed sensor has corroded badly


Ive tried my local citroen dealer (no local pug dealers) and they say it cant be bought without the rest of the loom !


so before i go searching scrappys for other rusty multiplugs does anyone know of a source ?



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What type of multiplug is it? If it's just a JPT style connector like most engine loom plugs then they're readily available from various electrical and automotive suppliers. Most other loom connectors are also available outside the dealer network from the likes of RS and Farnell, most of the challenge being ID'ing them!

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Its not like any of the plugs in the link its a standerd looking plug with the rubber seal on it ,il try local iove got the old sensor to take with me to try and id it

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I would have thought they'd be standard JPT connectors unless Peugeot specific, if the latter it's strange they don't sell individually. Here's a website with an arrangement of plugs although VWP do them also.




Have you checked servicebox for a part number? Might help if you could post a picture up.

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Thanks for that its probobly the 4th one down il dig the sensor out later and compare

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No problem. Also just to let you know polevolt have a minimum spend on orders, £12 iirc, so would be worth while trying to find a local automotive electrical place or possibly ebay if that's all you're ordering.

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One thing to look out for is that some of the connectors have extra plastic alignment keys on them to stop you from mixing them up with other similar plugs in the engine bay, and the generic replacement plugs may not have the extra slots for these keys.


I found this plug in my spares box (the extra key slot is arrowed). It's from a 106 loom, but if it's the right one then you can have it for a couple of quid to cover postage.



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That looks like the same plug ,would paypal be ok ?

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Got the new plug but when removing the old one the wires were rotted off so i chopped them back to get rid of bad wire and i then realised the wires are different colours to my new plug !


Van loom is red black blue ,new plug is yellow green green/yellow


Red was live on the van so i joined red to yellow ,green to black and green/yellow to blue but still no speedo ,am i right with my wiring or should i be looking else where ?


I also fitted a new sensor (cheap ebay one) and the original gear seemed tight to turn in the new sensor ,i think it will be the same as hdi cars (has three pin plug and worm gear/drive cable) has anyone had any bad experiences with these ?



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