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Fuel Guage 205 Gti

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Hi folks.. Fuel guage not working... checked plug at sender unit on top of tank and it was connected ok... cleaned up contacts reconnected plug to sender unit but still no joy. Put light tester on plug and I'm only gettting a very dim light from wire 65 (blue) pin at the plug . There are two other wires... 65A ( white) and the earth wire. Anyone know how the sender unit / wiring works..? My understanding is that 65 is the main fuel guage wire ...65A is for low fuel level warning light. My car has 12 fuse.. black connector/relay board

Edited by jimmi

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Hi Jim , its possible that the wires are corroded and creating a bit of resistance and that's why your tester is dim . You need to check with a multi-meter to give you a better idea as to what is causing the problem . Check that there is a good earth . If the wires and/or the terminals are discoloured and dull looking its best to clean them or replace any duff cable .

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The level sender is a variable resistor between 65 and earth. The low level light is switch, between 65A and earth (M65).

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Thanks for the replies lads... wire ends do look corroded... will splice new ends onto them and see if that sorts problem. Had a look at wiring diagram... am I right in thinking wires 65 + 65A run from plug on fuseboard to sender unit ?... I cant figure out how signal gets back to dash gauge.

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I'll get back to you on that Jim ,I've been busy fitting new tail-light units, rewiring and sorting out the earth terminals.The earth connectors behind the lights were green !

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Yes, they go into the fuse/relay box and then back out. Not an easy one to trace. I'd start by finding 65/65A at the fuse board. They're with a bunch of wires (inc taillights etc) which travel under the passenger's seat. Make sure you have a resistance between 65 and earth. I think it runs through a range of approx. 80-220 ohms.

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Had another look at this problem today.. Stuck voltmeter on end of feed wires/ male plug ( to sender unit)... only getting 6.18v from wire 65 @ male plug... should this not be reading 12v ?

Also, Petert : you wrote - Make sure you have a resistance between 65 and earth. I think it runs through a range of approx. 80-220 ohms....

How do I check that ?


Edited by jimmi

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Spent a couple of hours today sorting this problem..cleaning wire ends ... sender unit was fekked ... luckily had another is my spare tank ;)

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