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Fan Wiring Loom, Non Gti

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I've juste asked someone breaking a 205 for their fan loom.


The picture that they sent of the loom doesn't look the same as mine as it has 3 relays in there where mine doesn't have any.


Is this because it's a later car or is it because it's a diesel? Will it still work or do I need to be looking else where?

Edited by TaffyTim

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The difference is single fan or twin fan probably. UK GTIs have single fans apart from AC models, and turbo diesels have the twin fan AFAIK.


Or if the only difference is the plug that goes onto the sensor in the radiator then that is down to the age of the car, I think the connector changed from the three blade style to a power timer plug around 1990.

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All diesels have the relay'd twin fan setup, not just TD's :)


If you have twin fans then it's a simple enough retro-fit into a GTi - only gotcha is that the red ignition live plug that's used on the twin fan setup is different and needs swapping as it's 2 pin on one and 3 pin on the other for some bizarre reason.


I've not tried it, but I don't think the relay setup will work properly on a single fan without wiring modification as it is wired to run the two fans in series for the slow speed setting and that won't work if a fan is missing. High speed should work though as that's run in parallel.

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Thanks guys, Miles has come to the rescue with a single fan loom. Thanks for the advice

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