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Ignition Switch

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Anyone know if proper 205 ignition switches are available anywhere?


As stated elsewhere, the ones on Ebay are the wrong type with a 'X' fitting instead of a 'Y' where they connect to the barrel.


Our GTi is suffering from the old clicky-starter problem and everything points to the switch (immobiliser wiring looks OK). I'm dubious about going down the second-hand route since I imagine most switches are getting worn out by now.


Alternatively, does anyone know if the switch part from a later Pug (e.g 106/306 etc) would fit a 205 barrel (ignoring the plugs being wrong on the loom)?

Edited by kenp

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Neat autos have them listed on ebay complete with the wiring (which they should all come with imo) so the X or Y part shouldn't be an issue, for £27.99 + £2.99 p&p.



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Yep, seen that thanks but I'm trying to avoid having a different key for the ignition :)


It's the electrical side I want btw - not the mechanical switch barrel.

Edited by kenp

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Mac Crash

I have the correct loom part and Y switch piece you require if your stuck, know what your talking about as I removed a complete ignition barrel and loom from a car weekend past plus have done my own car not so long ago when one of the factory solders failed.

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You can replace the wiring on its own and keep your key.




That's from neat autos as Graham pointed out.




Me earlier:


As stated elsewhere, the ones on Ebay are the wrong type with a 'X' fitting instead of a 'Y' where they connect to the barrel.


..which applies to the one you've linked to - look closely at the pic and you'll see it's an 'X' fitting :P

Edited by kenp

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I have the correct loom part and Y switch piece you require if your stuck, know what your talking about as I removed a complete ignition barrel and loom from a car weekend past plus have done my own car not so long ago when one of the factory solders failed.


PM'd mate :)

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