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Starting Issues .......

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Hi all,


In the 6 year I have owned my 1.9 CTI i have every starting issue going I think in the following order:-


Starter motor issues - final straw the solenoid sticking so the starter motor got replaced.


Battery loosing power - Alternator U/S so it go replaced


Turning over and not starting - Replaced the Tacometric Relay .....now the one still comes back but if you bash under the dash it works any better ideas?

Now ...the new one.

13ish volts at the starter solenoid and it still wont go... put a link from the battery to the starter solenoid off it goes.


My wife now refuses to use it.



Now my thoughts


I have unplugged, cleaned jiggled and sworn at every brown multiplug on the way to the starter motor.




Use the solenoid cable to power a relay that switches a direct (fused) from the battery, thus reducing the the load on the starter circuit and any high resistance contacts will have less impact and the starter solenoid gets a 'clean' supply.


Any better ideas or suggestions?








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You might be able to mask the symptoms with a relay but it'll still fail eventually. The only sure solution is to cut back the wiring until you see bright copper and replace it from that point.


The ignition switch is also worth looking at, they can be replaced without changing the barrel so you can keep the same key.

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What about the battery to starter to alternator wiring have you replaced that? If you solenoid is getting the 13 volts and its not spinning up it can only be the thick battery feed

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He says it turns when he puts voltage directly to the solenoid so it can only be that. You often see voltage on a wire that has corrosion/resistance when it is unloaded but try measuring it when actually starting and it will be lower/zero.

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As jackherer has said, cut back to clean copper wire if you can. It may also be enough to strip back a bit and clean the blackness off the strands. Best alternative...replace the whole wire with a new one, which I would like to do for most of the loom at some point.

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