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Bloody Barn Finds

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What the hell is all that about. Everywhere you look, every 205 or even 205 part was found in a barn! Why would i buy anything that has been sat in a cold, damp barn with rats and pigeons peeing and pooing all over it.


Does it make it cheaper or more expensive if its found in a barn?


I would prefer a car or part to have been used rather then sat there doing nothing and seizing etc.


Am i alone in my thinking or has anyone else noticed?

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Yes, I have!


I didn't know there were that many barns in the UK.....

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Possibly a symptom of the age of the cars now, that cars and parts come to light having been unused for a while. My brother in law's brother picked up a very tidy little 1.6 GTI a couple of years ago at a farm auction. It had been sat in a barn for a good while, but was in good nick. All the other people at the auction were there to by agricultural machinery and so the 205 sold for peanuts, £500 IIRC. It now sits in another farm barn although it is now used in fair weather.

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...I think the term "Barn find" has been abused for years and it just moves with the times... Mk1 / Mk2 escorts have been "Barn find" eligable for years now, and now 205's are coming to that stage too.


..I would agree that something that's in a garage simply because someones parents told them to "get that rotten piece of half dismantled sh!t out of the front garden!" isnt really a true barn find!

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Well lol they do actually turn up, I went to a farm with a mate to pick up some hard core and this guy said i'll just get the truck out the barn and reversed out an old toyota starlet.


Been stood 7 years i'm just about to put up a thread about it.

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...I think the term "Barn find" has been abused for years and it just moves with the times... Mk1 / Mk2 escorts have been "Barn find" eligable for years now, and now 205's are coming to that stage too.


..I would agree that something that's in a garage simply because someones parents told them to "get that rotten piece of half dismantled sh!t out of the front garden!" isnt really a true barn find!


Totally agree; I'd like to know how others are interpreting the phrase 'Barn Find' - to me it is a car that was forgotten about but is actually very usable/possibly lovely after a polish.

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"Barn Find" seems to have become one of those sayings that's just used to cover anything that has been left standing on a drive, garden, etc, for anywhere from a few months to a few years. There was a time when it actually meant exactly what it said but hey ho.


It's a bit like people that use the term "Mint" or "Concours" to describe their car, when the car is anything but. The most amusing ones being people describing their car that way, but then go on to mention the various bodywork dents, scratches and even rust, none of which would obviously be on a "concours", "mint" or "showroom" condition car.

Edited by AlexRS2782

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It's been made popular by the internet or rather eBay to be more precise.


People don't usually means it's been found in a barn or probably not even found anywhere. "Barn find" is just a popular search term the same as "dimma" or "rare" are either popular or ensure your listing ranks higher for certain searches putting it in front of a wider audience. Simply put, it's spamming. It's been latched onto by every idiot now and is slowly becoming an everyday term used by tools to pass ducked old cars off as something a bit special.


EBay do try to block spamming listings but it's difficult with general words. They came down on people that list multiple brand news and certain combination words. May be they add "barn find" eventually as it must be pretty annoying if you are genuinely trying to find a barn.

Edited by mowflow

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Exactly, it's just like people write 'spares or repair' or 'project' in their listing title, it broadens the audience. 'Barn find' comes up as a suggested search on eBay now for this exact reason. It's bollocks IMO and takes the coolness away from actual cars worthy of the title.

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this for instance is not a barn find.



More like been sat in someones back garden for years. unless the barn did not have a roof. I find it hard that a farmer was unable to weld so riveted the sunroof.


If you put spares or repairs that is fine, that is what it is. a barn find was an immaculate example as posted in a link above a few posts back. I have now lost faith in the word barn find and just think of the car i linked above.


Sorry spent a lot of the morning looking for a 205 and was not a happy bunny with the words people use to try and sell their 205 and also the absolute stupid prices they are asking for a 205 that is just an average 205. There is a super rare one for £12,990!!!!!!


forgot to add sorry rant over :-P

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I wish there were that many barns knocking around, I'd have somewhere to keep my cars then.

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The volvo sold for 5k

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this for instance is not a barn find.



More like been sat in someones back garden for years. unless the barn did not have a roof. I find it hard that a farmer was unable to weld so riveted the sunroof.


If you put spares or repairs that is fine, that is what it is. a barn find was an immaculate example as posted in a link above a few posts back. I have now lost faith in the word barn find and just think of the car i linked above.


Sorry spent a lot of the morning looking for a 205 and was not a happy bunny with the words people use to try and sell their 205 and also the absolute stupid prices they are asking for a 205 that is just an average 205. There is a super rare one for £12,990!!!!!!


forgot to add sorry rant over :-P

Was thinking of havin a look at that "barn find" tomorrow.... lol

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All my parts sit in my barn.


Shame when/if I come to sell them they won't be up to the standard of this forum.


On the plus side I have 6 cats and storage crates to please the purist for the interest of hygiene.


If anybody wants a picture of my barn for authenticity reasons it's no problem.


P.S It has hay and straw in there am quite the traditionalist.

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Dont blame us blame the people taking the pee out of the saying! As people have mentioned it puts a massive downer on the actual genuine barn finds. You didnt find yours, you knows its in the barn :-P




At 118k they must have just put it in the barn, walked off, returned a week later and found the car still there!

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It you take them out the barn farmer does it mean we get a discount as they are no longer 'rare' :-p

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I think almost everything they say about the rarity of that automatic is true. I've only ever seen 2 of them for sale (that being number 2). Not sayings it's worth that price though.

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It can't be. Surely it's a 1.6 with a 1.9 engine (with a few extras). Seems to me it was a car that Peugeot coupled together after the cancelled Japanese order. Does anybody know if the spec is the same as the exported intended spec?Mileage will add a fair bit though.


And Auto in a GTI, well, that's just wrong!

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It you take them out the barn farmer does it mean we get a discount as they are no longer 'rare' :-p


No, as I will have over heads like heating a spare room to keep them pristine, Kerosene isn't cheap these days ;)

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As someone said earlier, abuse of terms like this makes searching for specific parts a nightmare, as you have to sift through so much utter dross to find what you want. This has been the case for years on eBay if for instance you wanted to search for Mi16 parts. As we all know, every single 205 part sold on eBay is an Mi16 part. Likewise Dimma parts. and there was me thinking Dimmas were rare! Oh yeah, everything is "rare" on eBay too! At least we've seen the decline of the key-word L@@K being added to listings (WTF was that even about in the first place! :blink:).

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In 1975 I bought a 1947 Riley. It was stored in a garage on a housing estate, but the back half of the car was covered in hay. "Because my daughter's got a horse" was the explanation. Oooo errr....did that mean I had a barn find without realising it?!


Amazingly, the vendor had a scrapyard, yet he'd stored that car for at least 8 years. Price to me; £46, and that included delivery by his breakdown truck to my home address. Even then, that was cheap, he could certainly have got far more for it by selling it in parts. Considering it had never seen an MoT, being last driven around 1961, it was truly surprising the car survived at all.


I did quite a lot of restoration work on it, even drove it up and down our road, but sold it around 2000 as I finally realised there was no sense in restoring two RMBs. Unbelievably it fell into dereliction once more...some later owner apparently tried to mock it up as a WWII army staff car (!), but I'm pleased to hear it now has a sympathetic and keen owner restoring it.

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Found mine in a barn


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