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Opinions On Quickshifts

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evening all,


i'm toying with the idea of fitting a quickshift kit to my 1.9gti. does anyone have one fitted and love or hate it? is it worth having the adjustable ge kit or stick with the fixed kit?


all views and posts appreciated. :rolleyes:





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Guest Dave

My car came with one already fitted by the last owner.

It feels great, much better than the standard pudding stirrer.

The only downside is that when it cold, If I shift quickly I can somehow "beat" the synchromesh and crunch the gears.

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Guest mbl

I had a GE version on my old AXGT500 & it was excellent. Very close & accurate. Don't know if the 205 one is exactly the same (for GTi), but on my experience it is worth it.



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dave: do you know what make/type it is?



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Guest smckeown

I bought the full on GE £85 quid version..rods ec, and must say its absolutely fantastic!


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Guest simmy

haven't got one but had one on my mini, was great but should ideally be treated as a "short shift" rather than a quickshift, or as dave said you can beat the synchromesh.. though i'm sure this is less of an issue with the 205 than a mini.


just my 2ps worth, let us know how u get on as i'm considering buying one. :rolleyes:

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Make your own, if you don't like it, it's not cost you an arm and a leg.



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thanks for all your views guys, all positive so far so it sounds like a worthwhile mod.


nick - i have seen a photo of one and it didn't look that complicated so it could be possible. the only problems i can see are getting the dimentions right with all the holes in the right place, and finding the right ball joint.


if anyone could help with the above it may be worth considering.





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Has someone got the link for the home made q/shift for Dai?

I've lost it.



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much thanks for your views all.


the diy quickshift looks like it could be the way forward. has anyone actually tried this method? any problems or tips for doing it?


thanks once again,



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I've been told that the GE kit is very good.


Comes with not only the shortened bracket, which you can adjust, but also all the linkages and nylon bushes.

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Guest TRW

The full GE quickshift kit is the way forward.

Especially if you've ever tried to put a main selector rod back on under the exhaust manifold in bristol rush-hour traffic.

I think I gave more irate euro-box drivers the finger in 3 minutes than in 6 years of driving!!!!! :rolleyes:

Those standard plastic/nylon bushes are ***k.


One of my best buys.

Edited by TRW

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There was a topic about making a qucikshift a few weeks ago by jonnie205, have a look at it here & get some more opinions about them & their possible bad points.



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