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Back End Pic (Without Valance)

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Does anyone have a pic or two of the back end of a 205 without rear valance fitted, from the side and back and from underneath that they could post please.


I'm almost certain that the two hanger brackets fitted to a new back box I have have been welded on at the wrong place, which results in my middle section having to roll to suit, which results in it sitting too high and stopping me being able to get in reverse amongst other things.



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sorted my middle section out, can anyone post a picture similar to this please? (even with a valance on)


I need to know roughly where the pipe should sit so as my valance fits properly when its fitted.



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looks like you are missing a hanger.

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Not as good as Alan's image above, but you can sort of see what you're looking for in this image:




As Mei said, it looks like you're missing the bolt on exhaust hanger from the beam tube.

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Thanks very much guys, that should be enough to let me get on.


The other hanger is there but you can't see it in the pic. The hangers must be miles out on the box, i've hung it on one just now just so i can start the engine up without being too loud.


Looks like i want the pipe to be near central of the cut out above it, and about a 30mm gap between top of pipe and bottom of the steel work.


Just thinking, maybe my hangers have been bent in transit.... will check that out before doing anything drastic.


Thanks again, very helpful.

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loosen the clamp, stick both hangers on and get another pic, impossible to tell until you do that.

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To be honest, you're better off trying to position it with the rear valance fitted in my opinion

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Anthony, what do you mean?


"it looks like you're missing the bolt on exhaust hanger from the beam tube."


I thought back boxes have two hangers/sliders that hang from two hooks/sliders under the boot via rubbers?



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I can't fit the valance as my plastics/bumpers are all prep'd and bagged ready to be painted.


I just need enough of an exhaust to get it to the painters, then i can get the exhaust fine tuned if required when cars on the road again. But don't want this exhaust to melt/discolour the valance when it's painted, so trying to get it as close to correct as possible for the time being.

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