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5:1 Final Drive Options For B/e Boxes

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I'd like to put a shorter final drive in the Mi16 race car, Somewhere around 5:1. I know of a 4.93 for sale, but the asking price is beyond my budget.


So which PSA B/E equipped models should I be hunting down at the wreckers?



Edited by JeffR

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Some expert/dispatch vans have a 5.06. They can have either the 4.93 or 5.06 so it's a bit of a lottery which you will get. I checked one on service box with the chassis number and it lists both options. They come in the Be4 gearbox with the Dw8 engine.

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Thanks. That narrows down the search. Without knowing the individual ratios of those boxes & who knows they might already be suitable as a close ratio set, but if not would it be possible to use the gear sets from say, a 306 S16 or Series 1 Mi16 (both Be3) on to the output shaft of the Be4?


BTW-according to this Wikipedia page I found & without knowing the accuracy of what's here, it says the vans used the ML or ME box.



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Allot of later BE4 box's use a different Dia Shaft so earlier gears will not fit

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The gear ratios out of the expert gearbox will be no use. As Miles says the Be4 box uses a different shaft, I am fairly sure 1st and 2nd out the be3 box will fit but the rest won't. I used gears out of a late 406 1.8 petrol Be4 when I built my gearbox using a be4 4.53:1 CWP.

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Nothing fit's from the BE3's, But the 206 GTi box works and has a longer first over the 205 1.6 or 1.9 box which helps, Odd as it may sound I had to use a BE1 reverse gear to get it all to work

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Seems like a minefield trying to get the right combination gear sets and f/drive especially when we only get a small amount of the PSA range here in Aust-eg: no 406 1.8's.

My plan is to use the Mi16 or S16's 1st & 2nd with 3rd-5th from an early 205 and a shorter final drive. If the van options have issues with fitting 205 gear sets, will the Quaife 4.785:1 version work with them (205 3rd-5th)? Their website says it will, but as I've found in the past there are subtle differences through the 'evolution' of the BE3 boxes.

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You can make most of it fit with some machining, AB Motorsport favour gti6 gears which don't fit certain shafts but some modifying gets them on.


Whether that's a good idea I couldn't comment specifically, but I know someone running a mid 200 bhp 2.0 205 rallycar that has broken 3rd and 4th, miles said they aren't the strongest due to the tooth cut.

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Since I've got 3 spare 5 speed boxes, I might as well use what I can from those before considering a 6 speed. With my wheel/tyre combo at 4% larger diameter, I'd lose some of the 10% difference that the 4.785 has over a 4.43 Mi final drive.


I'll contact Palmside in NZ and find out what the landed price of the Quaife would be.


Mei I'd heard similar stories about the gear strength of the Be 3/6's too.

Edited by JeffR

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Yes why anyone would want to use the 6 speed gears I really do not know, but it's like enlarging the Input shaft bearing which then makes the case weaker between that and the pinion shaft which again often cracks between them, Have seen metal plates made up for the end to try and hold it together but this extreme you may as well buy a Sadev box

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There is a better range available for the be3/5 at BacciRomano than Quaife. Keeping in mind that this is for a 405 weighing roughly 1200kg (caged), what would get the best performance from it?


Final Drive Ratios

1200kg 405 track car with 4% larger wheel/tyre package-

Std Mi16 14x62 4.43:1 less 4% = 4.25:1
Quaife 14x67 4.785 " " = 4.59:1 4% difference to standard f/d
BacciRomano 13x68 5.23:1 " " = 5.02:1 14% difference to standard f/d

Edited by JeffR

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Quaife-AUD $1240 delivered to Melb (4 weeks wait)
BacciRomano AUD $1008 delivered (in stock)


Since someone recently rear ended my tow car, the $$$ I get for that would nearly pay for one- just which ratio to be decided.

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I'd go with 5.23:1. That should be approx. 194km/h @ 8000.

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Yes, I think that'd be the better ratio too.

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