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Come Set Up My Engine Idle Etc And I'll Give You A Rear Beam!

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Having a new rear beam put on this week. Old one was refurbed in 2004, no creaks or knocks etc, all seems fine but I had a new one for my own piece of mind.


Willing to give it to anyone who can come take a look and set up my engine idle etc, and hopefully cure the need for me to hold the throttle to get her fired up when cold.


Based in South Wales (Pontypridd area)


Any takers? :)

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You could ask Meirion (Welshpug) as he is based in south wales and knows how to set up an engine.

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He's full up and busy at the moment matey, thanks for the reply though. Thought I'd put it out there to see if anyone else fancies doing it in exchange for the beam!

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I need a beam tube as it happens, when are you free?

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Great stuff! How desperate are you for the beam? I've got a day off this Friday 14th March, or am around weekend of 29th March?

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I'm working this Friday so the 29th would be better.

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Cool, you ok to come to me as I'm not entirely sure the beam will fit in the back of the car...!

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course they fit in there :lol: had a berlingo beam in a 205 :P as they say, every part of a 205 will fit inside, other than the shell itself :D

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Cool - I can come to you then if the beams fit (haven't tried!) - if you have a garage could come up one evening next week?

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Still need this doing :)

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When warm it runs well, if a little high on tickover. Cold, I have to hold throttle for a minute at 1500rpm and I'd like to get this sorted so it starts without the need for throttle.


I've replaced all I can with brand new parts (AFM, vac advance, coolant temp sensor, ignition amp, tachy relay) and fitted a cleaned and oiled good working SAD to rule all those out.


Looks like throttle stop, tps, ignition advance etc just all need setting properly. I've tried myself but I don't really get it, so I'd rather someone who knows these cars inside out come take a look!


More than willing to pay. Or swap your time and expertise for my old rear beam, AVO dampers and springs and rear Peugeot dampers!

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have been struggling as well with this, and you're not far from me


the trouble i seem to have had is making sure all parts are known to work as they should be, grab a multimeter and test stuff like the Throttle Position Sensor, Air Flow meter, and dizzy.


all you need is to check those components over with a multimeter, read this,



if all the components are okay and good, you can set up it nicely. Just befriend a place with an emissions tester (any MOT place)


I have had the dizzy rebuilt by H&H Ignition, am having the AFM rebuilt/restored by ATP electronics as we speak, a TPS that is known good and true (if it throws any issues these are available new anyways for £50-80), and have a cleaned up throttle body. Other than wiring problems/breakdown, those components all working should enable an engine to be setup correctly.


as for setting up the idle/running - theres stuff in the haynes workshop manual about how to do it,

or there is this


bit more basic, but should deliver the goods!


After next weekend, i hopefully (touch wood) might have a setup gti. might be able to offer some help then :)

Edited by johnhenry

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Hi mate, yeah I've read everything I can, but I'd still someone do a full set up who properly knows what they are doing, then I know it's 100% right and I can have a go myself from then on. All parts are all working ok and have been replaced where necessary!

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you are literally in 100% the same position as me!

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