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Rear Axle Beam Weight

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I have a 309 winter car whose rear axle has two bearings that are damaged. The car is a cheap one and I don't want to spend the money to put new bearings. A scrap yard nearby has a 309 with a good rear beam axle (I checked it a month ago), and I am looking to get the axle off that car and install it on my 309. I am looking for how much does the whole rear beam weighs, with drum brakes installed, as a friend and I will be removing it this Saturday. Do I need any special tools to remove that from the car?

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~57KG according to http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?showtopic=52614&p=1219565


All you need to remove it is a 16mm socket, it's held on with six nuts you access from in the cabin. Other than those there are the brake lines and handbrake cables but they will probably be useless on a scrap car so you can just cut them.

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Thank you. I am going to go ahead and get the hardware for the axle as I will have to do it very soon. Can I reuse the axle mounts or do those usualy get destroyed on removal on an old car? (rust, etc)

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If they're in good condition you can reuse them, however they often split with age.

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Well, the vehicle inspector failed the car for the axle bearings, not mount bushings. So even if they're split it will be OK, the car will only be reinspected for the failed item. I'll have to order and replace the mounts later.

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