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Bulkhead Hose Identification

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I'm in the process of rebuilding my 1988 205 1.9 GTI after restoration work and a recent re-spray. Unfortunately it was 5 years ago that I took it apart (cue lot's of daft questions) and I'm struggling to remember what goes where.


Can anyone tell me what this hose is for and roughly where it goes?


Also, the white, plastic, top hat shaped bung at the bottom of the picture was inside it. Should it be, and if so, which way round? I seem to remember it either being in there or putting it in there for safe keeping. Has it perhaps come from somewhere else or have I just lost the plot?


Any help would be gratefully received.


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The black rubber part is the water drain for the heater. It goes in the middle of the bulkhead, just above where the curve for the exhaust tunnel is.

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Good stuff, thank you Ryan.


If it's a drain I can only assume that the plastic part shouldn't be in there. Does it look familiar? Has it come from somewhere else in the engine bay area perhaps?

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If you PM I can send you pics of my bay, I just took engine out.

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