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205 Rallye Engine Conversion

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i have bought a former members rallye off here witch i have had for a while but not really done anything with it yet.

it does have the s2 106 rallye injection engine in it witch is gutless so i want to swap into it my 106 gti engine and gearbox, the reason i want todo this is i know both are really good and strong, and i have the whole car to use as a doner.


The mechanical side is fine i can do all that, modify the 421 ect

Its just the wiring side i need help with,

i know on the gti dash you have the two brown plugs that hang down by the clutch pedal and theres various diagrams around to help with them but on the rallye you dont have them brown plugs and the engine loom goes into the bulkhead behind the batter/glovebox.


Where does the engine loom join up? i need to know where to start on joining in the 106 gti engine loom.


any help i would appriciate. i have read various project threads but no one really goes into detail about the wiring

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Ask miles, i think he sorted minigibbo's engine loom, from my limited fiddling, its similar to a phase1 gti, in that all the wiring is on the lhs.

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i have done, i think i may get him to wire it up, its just a case of getting the car to him witch is the hard part,

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I have just got a 16v engine from a 307. 1600. Is this a straight forward conversion. Will my be3 box go straight on ?? The 307 engine is tu. Cheers in advance

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start your own post fella, your be lucky if anyone answers old posts, but yes is a straight forward, the 307 engine will be pretty pointless unless you are going to fit 106 gti cams, inlet manifold and ecu,

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have a look at my project thread of my rallye as im still doing mine

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Yeah miles done mine, he's awesome with this sort of stuff :)

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i completed mine myself in the end, was far to pricey to get wired up by someone, there was only like 5 wires needed to wire it up was pretty simple

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