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Ph2 Rear Lights

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Who was the OE manufacturer of the rear lights, as on my car I have 1 valeo and 1 AXO, both are date stamped 91, and the month of manufacture is only 2 months apart. They have obviously been on the car a long time as condition is very similar and they where etched with the registration number in the mid nineties along with the rest of the lights and windows. I have the invoice.


Could it have been built with odd lights, or more likey 1 has been broken, just seems odd that the date matches and the car is a 91 car.


Anyway I want to change one as the lenses are slightly different and you can tell in certain lights. But do I go valeo or AXO or where the both original fit.

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could have been either I believe, though there is only one part number for the complete unit there is a distinction from valeo to axo for the lens on its own.

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The lens is constructed slightly differently. Overall shape of the unit itself is the same so I imagine a valeo lens could be used on a AXO unit or vise versa.

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They can in a fashion, but it doesn't fit properly - from memory the clips at the bottom are different on the Valeo and Axo units.

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