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Coversion To 2.0T 8V (Xantia)

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I bought yesterday Citroen xantia. I will put this engine in my 205 gti. Can somebody let me know which parts I will need from this car to make a engine conversion? All parts which I will not use I will sell for spares.


For sure I'm need:

-Engine (complete)

-all electronic parts for ECU

-ECU + Wiring



What I'm need more? I will use also a intercooler. I think that's it.


This xantia have gor a code number for lock/unlock a ecu. I must also put this keyboard in my 205 or I can remove this?


Where can I found some more information about this conversion (like wiring modification...on two brown connector), exhaust modification, cooling piping...?






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The Xantia gearbox is no use in a 205, you need to use the 205 gearbox and the 205 lower engine mount/driveshaft imtermediate bearing housing.


Before you remove the engine you need to make sure the ECU is unlocked, if you turn the ignition on, enter the number and unplug the keypad you should then be able to turn it on and off without locking.


Everything you need to know is on here, if you search you'll find it.

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A, the gearbox is diferent? It's not a BE3 gear box?! Ok, no problem. I have one more gear box from 205.

Lower engine mount? no problem. Higher engine mount it's ok or I have to replace it also with some another?

aaaa, thank you for this hint about the keypad and the code. So if I make like you told me...I will no have problem. I can try after remove the keypad to turn on the engine in xantia? In this way I will be sure that the ECU in unlocked.

Somebody know maybe how to start a diagnostic test? Now, when the engine run the K-light it's turn ON. It's the some way like in 205? Where is the green connector?



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That's right, it isn't a BE gearbox. The engine mount/driveshaft housing is different due to the gearbox, the driveshaft is slightly further away from the engine.


And yes, the Xantia should start with just a turn of the key once you unplug the keypad.


I don't think you can read fault codes without a diagnostic tester on these.

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I found a solution. I had upload 3 pages in pdf. I hope this site for upload files will work. You have to click on the top on DOWNLOAD.




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Great, let us know if that works, I though it only worked on older ECUs.

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I wil try tomorrow ;)

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So, some good news...some bad news :P haha


So I tried diagnostic about the fault code and it's works very fine. It's the some like on 205. You have to connect a wire on a pin on a middle 3rd row to a grownd. You have to follow the manual on attached pdf document.




So on my xantia the error was 46. I will solve this problem in future, because a wastegate it's not accessible very easy.


I had try also to unplug the keypad when the car was runing. At the same moment the engine stop works. Also I try to unplug it before start engine. In this way the engine dosen't start without keypad. Some more idea how to be sure that the ECU will be unlocked??




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That's weird, I've had loads of Xantias from 1.8s to 3.0s including 2.0 turbos and I've always unplugged the keypads with them running and none of them have stopped running.


The alternative way to unlock the ECU is to send it to someone with the equipment to remove the immobiliser via software.

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hmm...I don't get it why...Can I try to disconnect an immobilisier (or this device which stop or lock a ECU) ? Maybe it I disconect it, maybe will work in this way. I don't now.


Uhhh, to find somebody to remove the immobilisier from ECU....this can be a problem :)

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If your engine cuts out when you remove the keypad you can just cut it off and connect a couple of the wires to switched live (ignition)

Edited by Slo

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hmmm....can you let me know more informations? which wire I have to connect together? wires from the connector of keypad?

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See if you can find any wire numbers on the wires going to the keypad connector. 32AD is one for sure.

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I will check after 3 weeks because I'm away from home. I will let you know.


I found this:


The keypad is


pin 1 batt + (1R)

pin 3 ECU pin 50 (8CS at keypad 50CS at ECU)

pin 4 ECU pin 13 (18CE at keypad 13 at ECU)

pin 5 cranking signal (46D)

pin 9 central locking control unit (202D)

pin 11 door locking solenoids (400B)

pin 13 ign+ (32D)

pin 14 pin 3 double relay (32AD)

pin 15 earth (M1D)

Edited by Dariooo
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These wire numbers are for the PHASE 1! 605 version of the engine wiring loom but since it cuts out when you remove the keypad its probably exactly the same.


Yes 32AD double relay. The keypad is kind of the immobiliser, it just turns everything on when you put the code in, hence power up the needed wires and bin it.


The other wire maybe pin 3 or 4 or both.


There's no immobiliser in the ecu.

Edited by Slo

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I don't understand what I have to do....I have to remove a keypad and after??

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