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Ok To Leave Ignition On?

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I have a nasty aftermarket alarm which I want rid of soon. It means when I am working inside the car I need to keep the iginiton on else the alarm ultrasonics will go off...Same when I get fuel...


Is it bad for the car to have the ignition on when working/cleaning inside the car? Also how long should I keep ignition on for a given space of time without starting it?



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No problem other than running the battery down. Assuming you are referring to GTi the fuel pump will run briefly on the first turn of the key, but after that nothing will be 'running' as such. The ECU will be powered up and power supplied to various relays etc but again no problem other than some current drain.


Obviously it goes with out saying that if the work you are doing is on or related to the electrical system then it would be a bad idea leaving the ignition on - in that case disconnecting the battery maybe the better option.

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cool thanks - how long should I keep it like this? I normally don't like to leave it any more than 1 hour..

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On old cars with points ignition (pre electronic ignition) you can burn the coil out if you leave the ignition on with the engine not running. On a 'modern' car the worst you will do is flatten the battery.

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