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Struggling To Refuel. Petrol Gushing Out.

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My 205 CJ seems to have a problem. Refuelling is a pain as any sort of pressure on the fuel pump causes the pump to either cut off or petrol to gush out onto the floor. I have tried different angles with the pump nozzle but the only way I can do it is to very lightly squeeze the trigger which takes a long time to fill up with the pump occasionally cutting out every now and then.


Is this normal on a 205? Any more than a slight touch on the trigger causes problems. I thought my fuel gauge might have been faulty but I literally ran the car empty and it still happened.

Edited by analog_addict

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It's not normal behaviour, but it is something that some suffer with more than others.


I would start by dropping the fuel tank and making sure that all the breather pipes and filler neck are clear of any obstruction or kinks.

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It might not be normal but I'd categorise it under TADTS* as Lotus people say. Every 205 I've ever had has done it to some degree.


*They All Do That Sir

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What I do is put the nozzle in as far in as possible (ohh err), and also try and make sure its aiming downwards once in there, which I find prevents this.


First time I did it, like it was any modern car, gushed out like you're experiencing.


Breather pipes might be another thing though.

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mine used to do this but since i dropped the tank and cleared the breathers its been fine.

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I have this bloody annoying problem and the end result is this...




I have to put the nozzel in about 2 inch at most so i can see the fuel coming out and squeeze slowly.

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Glad to know I'm not the only one having this problem! Put £40 in today and it took ages carefully keeping the trigger held lightly. Will put checking the breather pipes on my to do list.

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Mine can be funny sonetimes


I do find going balls deep does help though.

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Odd, not an issue i get at all even when its run dry, (most of the time...)


Certainly would start with the breather.

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Mac Crash

Yeap, have the same problem too, takes ages to fill at the pumps due to this.


What are the lines running up the inside of the o/s/r wheel arch? haven't had a chance to inspect more closely... are these the breather pipes?

Edited by Mac Crash

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filler pipe and breather pipe.

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Mac Crash

filler pipe and breather pipe.


Possible to cut the breather pipe here and clear the pipe, then rejoin, if done properly? thanks...

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no need to cut it, it ends at the rear of the arch under the back of the car :lol:

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Mac Crash

Ah so! :D well, I was wondering that after I posted... but thanks for confirming this, will see if I can clear the vacuum lock from here before going near the tank.

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One of my 205's does this if you try to do it 'normally'

I have to put nozzle well in then rotate it a bit anti clockwise then it's ok so long as I don't try to fill at absolute full whack

Edited by TT205

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yeah this happend to me when i put fuel in my gti last weekend for the first time, i need to drop the tank so will check the breathers then.

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Is there not a valve/filter in the breather setup?

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I just bought a new 205 and it does this just as much as every other 205 I've ever had. I'm sure it's something that can be resolved but it's a very common problem, I must have had at least twenty 205s over the last fifteen years and not one has been easy to fill with petrol.

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Is there not a valve/filter in the breather setup?



yes, on the end of the pipe that ends under the rear of the car just inside the right hand rear wheel

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I just bought a new 205 and it does this just as much as every other 205 I've ever had. I'm sure it's something that can be resolved but it's a very common problem, I must have had at least twenty 205s over the last fifteen years and not one has been easy to fill with petrol.

Strange, as with the exception of one or two, all the 205's that I've had have filled with petrol just as easily as a modern car.


Occasionally I'll get an over-sensitive pump that keeps tripping off before the tank is full, but that's about it, and without fail either changing the angle of the nozzle or switching to a different pump makes it fill fine which makes me suspect that it's a faulty nozzle rather than anything fundamentally amiss with the 205's.

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It must be bad luck on my part, it could be worse though, they have more annoying common failings I could be suffering from, I got through my first six or seven years of 205 ownership with no rear beam problems for example!

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Mine used to be pretty bad at being filled up. I found some pumps were worse than others- particularlly esso pumps were bad, I dont know if they had different nozzles, or a faster flow rate, but the fuel backed up and clicked off the pump almost instantly. Once it took me at least 3 tmes the normal length of time to be standing on a forcourt to get a full tank.. it was quite embarassing, I was getting strange looks!


But since the rebuild and the tank was dropped and the pipes/breathers replaced it has been fine! So like Anthony says, I dont imagine there is a particular flaw with the 205, although it is a very annoying habit a great deal of them seem to develop!

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I'd have to say mine has always filled perfectly as well without any issues due to the car.


Like Anthony the only time I've ever had a problem it's generally been down to just slightly adjusting the angle of the nozzle so it doesn't cut in & out when filling.


Only other issue I had twice at the same petrol station was where the pump at the station hasn't cut off in time and blown extra petrol back out of the filler - normally followed by the person in the kiosk saying "oh yeah that pump's done that to everyone who used it so far today" - so obviously they decided it wasn't worth closing or checking the pump for a problem :angry:

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