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[Car_Restoration] My 1989 205 1.9 Gti Restoration Project

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Tom Fenton

Couple of pictures of my shed which may help


Rad fan springs locate into a rubber mount which fits in the top of the radiator




Fan plug clip fits up from underneath the NS headlamp panel per picture




Hope that helps

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fan resistor does indeed get very hot, thats why a proper clip should be used to secure rather than cable ties. The proper position is in a clip on top of the rad, I think. You can also use an 18mm tool clip to hold the resistor, mine is bolted under my slam panel at the moment.


AFM's - Amazon sell these new, but they are £520...ouch. You could try re-tracking yours - very easy to try, worth a go.

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Tom is that not the position for the dipdim resistor rather than the fan resistor??

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Thanks Alex/Tom


Bugger - knew something was wrong, thankfully the clips are still available


Tom - I guess you meant to put up another picture of the connector position, that would be most useful.


anyone got a picture of the factory install fan resistor position and clip?

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Tom Fenton

Bah stupid tellingbone



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thanks Tom, never would have guessed that location... :)

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It varied week to week I bet, as mine was clipped to the top of the chassis leg.

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It's been a month since my last update so here's where I'm at.


All the photos for this update are here..http://s1238.photobucket.com/user/mrfirepro/slideshow/205%20projects/24%20oct%2014


Engine is in a running (all be it very lumpy) here's what the engine bay looks like today






The eagle eyed amongst you will spot that the alloy rad has gone in place of a new OE rad. The alloy rad sprung a leak through one of the weld and was returned to the supplier for a refund, thankfully the OE one was cheaper than the Alloy one, so a nett saving.. :)


new OE rad, with new rad switch






opted for the lowest temperature, will see how it performs in reality




Am now getting to some of the finer details and starting to try and fix the things that are broken.


Finally managed to sort the correct speedo cable (yet another part I've bought twice...)




If anyone is interested in a new short LHD one let me know.


Dizzy bag still available from Pug




New Bosch coil




Couldn't believe my luck the Ibiza dealer had a new seal and my son was there on holiday.......




Idle screw O ring (didn't sort the poor idling but was needed)




And the infamous "P" clip that secures the Speedo cable






New dip dim resistor as I had bodged the connection on the original one






Finally got around to install the PAS reservoir and plumbing (cracked shunt box has now been replaced)




Got a new Rad resistor (not totally necessary as I've discovered it was a wiring fault not faulty resistor)




I've attempted to reinforce the scuttle panel as I had managed to locate one that was not broken









as you may have spotted above, have also fitted new engine soundproofing, with OE fixing (fixings not much cop TBH)




rubbish fixings..




soundproofing installed




And thanks to Tom's advice above, managed to get the proper top rad fixing arrangement






I had also previously bought pattern bumpers, with which I was not overly impressed. So got a new OE front bumper (P2) and sprayed it grey with the Peugeot (P1.5) grey paint I had used on the sunroof trims. The result I am quite pleased with, just looking for a rear OE bumper now.






finished bumper




Installed the engine earth point protector bags.








Have stripped and painted the front wiper arms and will fit over the weekend




and got new covers




And finally managed to come by some new bumper inserts (can't wait to get them fitted)





I would like to thank Farmer for the help and assistance in finding and securing a lot of these parts as most of them are now NFP........


I hope to have the front bumper and all the plastic trims with inserts fitted this weekend.


and then it's on with getting the interior done and especially getting the seats re-trimmed (any advice very welcome).


As usual I do have a few questions to end on..


I have the OE clip for the rad resistor, but where does it go???


this is the clip, which I take it is fixed with a rivet




last question, I think I may be going mad, I have tightened the jubilee clip on the rear water manifold several time due to leaks. Tonight I found some water on the floor again and the jubilee clip did not seem very tight, so I adjusted it again. Am I going mad or has anyone else experienced jubilee clips coming loose :wacko: .







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What do you think of the sound proofing?


I have to say I was impressed by it and not many nfp parts tickle me these days.

Edited by farmer

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anymore soundproofing available?

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Not at the moment I don't think.


Had two from the same group in Belgium and that's been all I have seen.


Last price was just over 100 pound so not cheap parts.

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The one part that needs to be shiny for it to work properly and you missed it :P


Give the conical end part a proper clean, you'll be surprised how much it can affect the idle.

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Kieran, Thanks,


You never cease to amaze me, and that's one end I'll enjoy polishing :lol:


Not doing "Shiney Shiney" on the right parts then :lol: :lol: :lol:


Might this be my lumpy idle?????

Edited by mrfirepro

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Farmer I agree,


The soundproofing was a surprise as it's quite different to the feel and texture of what was removed.

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It can contribute to a bad idle, the throttle body needs to be as clean as possible, particularly the idle screw and the tiny air bypass tubes it exposes. Other than that you need to be sure there are no air leaks then go through the throttle adjustment procedure which is covered in the Haynes pretty well IIRC. And you also need to set the idle mixture on the AFM too, that's the allen screw on the outside possibly under a tamper proof plastic cap. Ideally you need an emissions tester to set the mixture but if you are sure everything else is right in terms of air leaks and the throttle adjustment you can get it pretty close by ear, just turn it until it gets less lumpy and if it gets worse turn it the other way!

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If a jubilee clip has previously been overtightened then yes it will keep coming loose. Replace it with a new one and it should be fine

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Stunning build.


Where did you find the Engine earth point protector bags? Mine disintegrated whilst disassembling.

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Thanks for your kind words.


Farmer sourced them for me, took quite a while to find. I don't know if he got any more than just my two.


Got the pattern bumper changed for the OE one and fitted to the car.




all finished




decided to fix the front and rear arch trims, but need a little help with the fixings.


I have this trim fixing kit.




have figured out some of the fixings, but are still unsure of which of the following to use where, have done a search but the results differ.


these are the items I'm not sure of...




I thought it would be easy as there are 11 holes, but not 11 of any fixings.... :o

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No more bags left.


One of the rarest parts I have come across


Only ever came across 7


Got 5 and keeping 3 back.


Be good to find an alternative....

Edited by farmer

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Mrfirepro, do you not think the pug paint is too light?

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Mrfirepro, do you not think the pug paint is too light?


The pictures don't do it justice, I'll try and take a picture of a standard P1.5 trim next to the bumper for comparison. The only compromise is that the paint finish leaves a slight matt finish, where the original grey plastic has a glossier finish.

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Cool, i have a tin of it and tried it and thought it was too light, and as you say it is very very matt. I also thought it would be easily ruined with greasy fingers/dirt etc.


If you haven't already, it may be worth you having a goosy at the relevant sales brochures on the french forum. (Imo) the colour should be much much darker than the pug can of paint, and not unlike the interior trim colour.


i ended up getting paint mixed (with matting agent) a smidgen darker than the backside of trims from two different Ph1.5 cars, which all my kit, sunroof, and bumpers were eventually done with at the paint shop (with a haze of texturiser on top of plasti primer).... To give you an idea of cost the painter said it would be around £600 if i was to get them painted separately.


If you want, for comparison I can dig out the paint code i used and a paint supplier could probably show you the colour i finally picked.


Just chuckin my tu'pence in as i see the great effort you're putting in. Hope you don't take it the wrong way.

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Thanks for your kind words.


Farmer sourced them for me, took quite a while to find. I don't know if he got any more than just my two.


Got the pattern bumper changed for the OE one and fitted to the car.




all finished




decided to fix the front and rear arch trims, but need a little help with the fixings.


I have this trim fixing kit.




have figured out some of the fixings, but are still unsure of which of the following to use where, have done a search but the results differ.


these are the items I'm not sure of...




I thought it would be easy as there are 11 holes, but not 11 of any fixings.... :o

IIRC, I used the above as follows:


- The 2 x grey clips I used to fix each side of the front arch trims, nearest the doors (i.e. towards the rear of the trim). You can see how one end attaches to the red insert strip, having gone through the arch trim and into the bodywork.

- I used the white fixings (9 x in your photo) in conjunction with the black rubber washers and silver metal washers to attach the rest of the front arch trims.

- The black clips (of which you have 14) I used to attach the rear arch trims (they went through the small black "washers", I think shown in your other photo, which attach to the holes in the body work first).

- Not sure about the 3 x off-white clips!


*What I did worked, but may not be strictly correct!

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Cool, i have a tin of it and tried it and thought it was too light, and as you say it is very very matt. I also thought it would be easily ruined with greasy fingers/dirt etc.


If you haven't already, it may be worth you having a goosy at the relevant sales brochures on the french forum. (Imo) the colour should be much much darker than the pug can of paint, and not unlike the interior trim colour.


i ended up getting paint mixed (with matting agent) a smidgen darker than the backside of trims from two different Ph1.5 cars, which all my kit, sunroof, and bumpers were eventually done with at the paint shop (with a haze of texturiser on top of plasti primer).... To give you an idea of cost the painter said it would be around £600 if i was to get them painted separately.


If you want, for comparison I can dig out the paint code i used and a paint supplier could probably show you the colour i finally picked.


Just chuckin my tu'pence in as i see the great effort you're putting in. Hope you don't take it the wrong way.




I don't take anything the wrong way as I'm still learning, rather people speak up if there are better ways of doing things, particularly when I want to produce the best car I can.


Paint codes would be good, also pics if possible. One of my fears (having some trim painted and some new trims unpainted) is that when I get the car out of the dingy garage and into sunlight it will look like patchwork quilt. Was also thinking about the U-pol products I recently used on the rear spoilers, they have a "205 Grey" that I used and it was darker.


My other concern on the trims is how durable the paint will be in the long run?


Did you use any special surface treatments before spraying?




Thanks for that, I think others have done it your way as well, so it's the way I'll do it.

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Tom Fenton

Hi Paul, I think all those clips are no use at all, you had better send them to me to dispose of them for you!

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