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Torsion Bar Ratings

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I'm sure there is a way to calculate the torsional stiffness and therefore what poundage the bars equate to.


Trouble is, it's been a few years since I did the old mechanical engineering course and now I can't remember.


Is there a simplish method of working out the stiffness of the bar? Does anyone know by how much stiffer the bars are given the different thicknesses available?


I suspect Adi may be able to help (saves me digging out my notes from the loft)


I understand that there are many variables to take into account but I'm only after an approximation, mainly as a guide for others.



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K= 1,178,000 ( d)*4 / (L) (A)*2 -d is to the fourth power, and A is

to the second power. -d is diameter of torsion bar -L is torsion bar

length -A is the lever arm length



Hope that helps :lol::P


a 19mm bar equates to about 90-95lb


a 21mm bar equates to 135lb


a 23mm bar equates to 194lb

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A bit different from what I remember but all the same, thanks. :lol:

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wow, that's very useful bit of info adi!

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