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Rust Converter, What Do You Recommend?

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I'm looking for something to deal with some rust. Its a bit tricky to get at as its inside a tube, so I need something I can pour in, leave to do its work and then drain out again. then possibly coat/fill with something to prevent further rusting

I've tried vinegar, and that help a little bit with some of it. Then I tried some hammerite rust dip stuff. tried it diluted as it said on the bottle, naff, so i tried it neat, also naff.


Anybody got any recomendations? (nothing that breaks the bank if possible!)



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I swear by these guys www.bilthamber.com and i work with bodywork for a living. All their products i have tried so far have been brilliant. Far superior than anything you can buy in Halfrauds.


On the other hand if the tube can be immersed in a bath then why not make a diy electrolysis bath. I've restored many of the suspension parts and brackets on my car this way. Totally de-rusted within a few hours. Search YouTube for instructions.

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I use the Hammerite Kurust, used it a couple of times before and worked fine for me

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I've got a very rusty bracket sitting in a bucket of Deox C at the moment. It's not quite the miracle solution I expected, but to be fair it's been pretty good. Have had it soaking for nearly a week and had to do a little scrubbing with a stiff brush to help it along, but not labour intensive. And to be fair, I could have mixed it at a stronger ratio than the starting point of 1:19 that they recommend. The bracket was extremely crusty and it's got rid of most of the rust leaving clean but pitted metal, and at the moment there's just a few stubborn and thick chunks of crust I'm hoping will dissolve after another few days.


If it's for the inside of tube, if you can make one end watertight you could just fill it with Deox C solution and you wouldn't have a very large volume in there and could make it a nice, strong solution.


I'll put up before and after photos in a few days time if it's of any interest.

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I did attempt to make a bath for it, but its quite tricky, so I just blocked off one end, I might have to have another go with a bucket or something. I've heard of bilthamber stuff before, so I think I'll give that a try.

The bit i need to de-rust isnt anything structural is just I want to nip it in the bud as its not going to be visable when its back together (to put it in context, its part of a motorbike frame) and I dont want it eating itself from the inside.

what about after its been soaked, whats the best thing to prevent future rust? it'd be hard to paint (unless I just filled it with paint then drained it out again)

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I'm with hadders on this subject and i swear by it time and time again.

The only thing that will work 100% is the electrolysis method and the best method i found was in the old wheely bin works 100% takes a day or two though







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+1 for Bilt Hamber - Deox C sold in 1kg tubs

brilliant stuff


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I sent my car to get acid dipped. They can also chemically treat small parts for not a lot of money. Will feed back in a couple of weeks when I give them a load of parts!

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Fark me! That beam looks clean Slo. How much do you want for it? ;)


As others have said. Bilthamber deox C. Used the gel version on some garden stuff and worked a treat. Will be going on my rusty undercarriage next. The Hydrate 80 also creates a great barrier over the cleaned metal but not sure how easy it would be for you do get inside the tube.


Or as a cheaper alternative to deox C with less potential for electrocution I just did a wee experiment with some parts in citric acid. Worked pretty well and is cheap.

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Will be going on my rusty undercarriage next.


Careful now! It's liable to sting after a while :D


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I sent my car to get acid dipped. They can also chemically treat small parts for not a lot of money. Will feed back in a couple of weeks when I give them a load of parts!


Good call. For a bike frame you probably could get it acid dipped locally John. I was researching local alloy wheel refurbers recently and some of those places and powder coating places do acid dipping of the wheels first. Why not get the frame acid dipped and then powder coated afterwards? Unless you've painted it already and it doesn't need doing.

Edited by GLPoomobile

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Krust is great stuff. Once it goes blue and dry, Hammerite over the top.

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Another vote for Deox-C,awesome stuff.


Just don't mix it as weak as they say!!!!

Double the strength and it will out perform anything else us DIY'ers can use at home for sure.

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Careful now! It's liable to sting after a while :D


Here's hoping.

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Wurth/Dinitrol/Loctite , all have really good "usual" and epoxy type rust converters .




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I don't rate kurust, I have used it a lot with mixed results mostly though rust has been back within a few months

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