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Set Up Advise Needed For Ms2-Extra V3.57/ford Edis

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Hi all,

We have finally got round to wiring in the Megasquirt to the car and as I've never used one of these I really need some advise on it from those that know more.

The set up is as follows.

I'ts a MS2-Extra V3.57 with Firmware V3.1.1 enabled.

The ignition is via the Ford EDIS method on a 32/1 wheel with a VR sensor.


Now, this is where I have become confused. (Not a great start..., right at the begining.)

Affter reading the manual I read it that you need to move some jumpers around and even something about soldering in wires and removing components.Where I am confused is that in the EDIS section of the manual it states that MS2 sees the input PIP signal from the EDIS as a positive only square wave signal so you are directed to set up MS2 to use the Hall input circuit,regardless of the fact that the EDIS uses a VR sensor.

However when you read the V3.57 specific manual it gives a completely different approach directing you to move some jumpers and this time turn some trim pots.

Would anyone out there be able to let me know exactly what is the right method and proceedure.


I'm obviously missing something here guys and would really appriciate some of your thoughts on it so as I can get back on track.


All the very best



Edited by opticaltrigger

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This should help you out,

The PIP signal from the EDIS module to your MegaSquirt controller is like a Hall sensor signal (positive only square wave). As a result, you use the Hall input circuit, On a V3 board, jumper D1 and D2


DB37 pin #36 to the SAW pin (#3) on the ignition module

DB37 pin #24 to the PIP pin (#1) on the ignition module

On the V3.0 main board:

use the 'Hall sensor circuit' (step #50.a in the assembly guide) - jumper D1 and D2,

jumper OPTOIN to TACHSELECT on the bottom side of the PCB, near the DB37 connector, opposite the heat sink,

jumper TSEL to OPTOOUT on the bottom side of the PCB, near the center.

jumper JS10 to IGN (this uses the processor port for the SAW signal directly),

jumper XG1 to XG2 on the bottom side of the PCB, near the 40 pin socket,

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Sorry just notice your using v3.57

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Still use hall : The differences on the V3.57 board (compared to the V3 thru-hole main board) are:


Tach input selection jumper JP1 (near the copyright notice at the DB-37 end of the board) is now on a 3-position standard 0.100 inch header:

Placing a jumper across positions 1 and 2 enables the variable reluctance (VR) circuit.

Placing a jumper across positions 2 and 3 enables opto-isolator ("Hall") tach input.

Tach selection jumper J1 (near the center of the board, but a bit closer to the heat sink) is for routing the signal-conditioned tach signal to the processor. This is a 3x2 0.100 inch header. Only one jumper is used, the remaining positions are open.

A jumper on pins 1 - 2 enables the opto-isolator.

A jumper on pins 3 - 4 enables VR (variable reluctor) operation (non-inverted).

A jumper on pins 5 - 6 is for an inverted VR signal.

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Hi mclephane and thankyou very much for your reply,


So if I understand you correctly,I should take the JP1 jumper near the DB37 and place it across position 2 and 3.

And jumper J1 near the center should go across position 1 and 2.

Is that all there is to it and I'm all set in there as it talks about having to trim some pots in a specific manner...?


All the best


Edited by opticaltrigger

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Hi OT,


Yes that is correct,


I've only ever built the V3 boards, but V3.57 board operates identically to the V3 borads just with a few alterations. (extra headers) and a few of the ouputs changed.


R52 and R56 are the "trim pots" The VR input circuit potentiometers, So are only used for the VR circuit.


IGN output is aleady connected to pin 36, and XG1 and XG2 should be all ready jumpered.


All the best



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Hi Martin,

Thanks again for your help with this one mate.


Very best


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