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Waterproofing Primer How?

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hi, im planing on welding in some new metal into the engine bay soon, the problem is there's quite a bit to do and as i'm a novice at this things may take a while. I plan on welding in a section at a time and etch priming the metal. First using weldthrou primer on any metal im gonna weld and wont be able to get to after welding. The car is on my drive exposed to the elements and i think im right in saying that these primers are pourus so buy the time im ready to paint in a top coat, it may be rusty again. So just wondering how i get around this problem. Thank you, matt.

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Give it a coat of colour.

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will it be ok to give it any colour from a rattle can, and just rub that down when it's ready to be painted then? It'll be lazer green if that makes any difference hopefully 2 pack paint. Also one more thing is it original to have the lazor green paint in the engine bay and wheel arches without the matalic flecs?

Edited by m@ttc

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Use epoxy primer .



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^^^^^ acid etch primer any bear metal and it will be fine. just make sure its all covered, me and my friend smoothed a polo engine bay completely on his drive. took about 6 months to do. and in all weathers.

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