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Temperature Sensor Location

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After a fun couple of hours replacing my clock getting the reverse light working I expected that would be the last of my electrical issues, (for awhile) but now have give myself a new problem, the temperature sensor has stopped working, the oil temperature indication increases but the coolant temperature gauge stays put.


I have had a dig around and cleaned up the brown multiplug under the air flow meter, but can't find the temperature sensor can anyone provide me with any advise / a location for the sensor.


my car is a 1992 1.9 CTI


Thanks in advance



Edited by SWINNEY

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mines an '89 but i think they all stayed the same in terms of location and type.

coolant temp. sensor is fitted to next to the SAD, under the distributor, the plastic body of the sensor that the wiring connector clicks into should be blue? it is on mine, its in very close proximity to the multi-plug, reverse sensor wiring where you were working, potentially dislodged the connector?


I replaced it with a new one as i found it messed with my idle, made it rise up and sit at about 1500rpm then would need a throttle blip to cause the rpm to lower to 850rpm, have you had this symptom?

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Dizzee stuff

The blue sensor is for the ECU not the gauge, the one your looking for is next to the blue ecu one under the dizzy cap, it looks like a small brass nut with one wire going to it. There is another located there that looks similar but slightly longer this is for the STOP light. Just remove the wire and put it down to earth to test the gauge.

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Now Ive found it, it turns out that I haven't caused the problem and it is in fact the gauge sticking ....a new feature rahhhhhh so if any one has a spare instrument cluster even a half working one that I could rob the temperature gauge out of I would be very interested as I have just spent £400 on a recon rear beam (still to be fitted so will probably cost me even more in the end) and £50 on a new alternator

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