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big al 205

Oil Filling Breather Tank

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big al 205

looking for some help for some reason our hillclimb 205 has today started filling our oil catch tank at an alarming rate i.e 2 runs up the hill results in the 2 ltr tank almost being full we checked all hoses for blockages, and kinks . the oil pressure when cold starts at 85 and after warming up idles at around 50 and after going up hill runs at around 30 on idle my thinking is it may be a broken oil ring causing back pressure in the block forcing oil back up the breather system any other ideas may help the car is not burning oil and there is no water in the oil system and vice versa

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I had the same problem and did a compression test last nite. Ended up wid very bad results....as low as 85psi on one clyinder. Im sure thats why mine is filling the can

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