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Autodata Data

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I've had a version of Autodata installed on my system for a while but it doesn't seem to have component test data on it, I'm sure I used to have a version that told you things like what the resistance on the coolant temp sender should be etc! I looked at the latest version but its the same, gives you trouble codes but no info on testing the components. Anyone else got different versions that do have the component test data?

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Ok, looks good for that one but what about the other sensors? I'm positive I used to have a version of autodata that gave this info, looks like its all gone to make room for newer models, does haynes cover things like the evap conister, SAD resistance etc?

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I had 2004 version had all data like you mention. My 09 version doesn't. Will see if I can find the older version on a hard drive for you.

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