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D Turbo Gearbox Options

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I have recently acquired a phase 1 306 D Turbo that I will be breaking. Various parts will be going onto my other 306 D Turbo but the engine is going into one of my 205's. The 205 is a diesel (1.8NAD) already so I could use that gearbox, I could use the 306 D Turbo box that will come with the car, and I also have a HDi 90 gearbox that would go on aswell. Can anyone give me any insight as to which might be the best box for going into a 205.


Fuel economy is quite high up on the priority list, so anybody have any idea's?


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HDI box and a turbo+pump tweak is the best combo I was led to believe on the 306.net forum, longer gear ratios with the extra little bit to pull it, tweaks are a must in a 306 as the ratios are a bit long for a standard 90 bhp engine.


might be ok in a 300 kilo lighter 205 with stock engine, but that's boring :P

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Im going to have to have a deeper look into this HDi box conversion then. Is it a direct swap?

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fit the 205 diff, then yes, its a push clutch same as the 205 as well.

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Cool, just been over on 306.net and they all do seem to be raving about HDi boxes. Mines a 406 one though, and has a hydraulic clutch which is annoying so I think for the sake of £50 i'll just go and buy a 306 HDI box instead of going through the hassle of fitting all the 406 hydraulic nonsense into a 205.

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sure its a BE box?

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Or swap to a 306 inner cv joint on the passenger side so you car retain the diesel diff.


Side by side the diesel diff looks loads more robust than the petrol, I'm sure it's for a reason


Not sure what torque you can get from a diesel but I know 190lb will kill a petrol diff in a few corners time

Edited by calvinhorse

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Or swap to a 306 inner cv joint on the passenger side so you car retain the diesel diff.


Side by side the diesel diff looks loads more robust than the petrol, I'm sure it's for a reason


Not sure what torque you can get from a diesel but I know 190lb will kill a petrol diff in a few corners time

Apparently 306 cv doesn't work so ignore that.. :P

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