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Fuel Lines Replacement

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Ive recently called pug about getting some new fuel lines the metal pipes that go from the engine bay to just before the fuel tank, They no longer supply fuel metal pipes, and get there pipes from leadsons which are rubber hoses now i dont feel confident running my fuel lines so close to the exhaust as rubber, to me seems like a diaster waiting to happen.


If i remember rightly. the fuel lines are 7mm? and ledsons supply 4mm/6mm/8mm all rubber hoses.


Since i have almost set my heart on reusing the old metal fuel line after abit of a clean up.


My question now is what size are the rubber hoses... are they also 7mm or will an 8mm do the same job with a nice tight clip on the end or will it cause problems? My rubber fuel lines both at the engine bay and at the fuel tank have developed cracks, so i dont intend to reuse them.


Any information where you can point me in the right direction would be appreciated. Also to the people who buy these fuel lines from pug themselfs they buy them directly from Ledsons now and charge you £30 more than leadsons per 5 Meter





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They do sell the metal lines, come in a bag of around 6ft tall, I'm sure someone will know the number off hand, Rubber line is from any motorfactor

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157926 is the pug number. Just over £21. I have had one recently. Only buy one as it is enough to to the feed and return line.

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The new fuel line is a real PITA to form!


Are your fuel lines really that bad that they can't be removed, sanded down and repainted?

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The new fuel line is a real PITA to form!


No it isn't, it takes some careful handling but its not difficult, just it isn't a two minute job to do.


Take your old pipes off complete & use them as a template like I did in this post


You also need an olive (ring 1562 36) & union (1563 23, unless you use your old one) but I think you have to buy the minimum order of the rings, 5 iirc.



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I just bought some copper pipe and fitted that was easily bent into place.

Edited by farmer

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I have a bag of the rings Graham mentioned if you want one to save you buying five :)

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I have some new peugeot fuel lines in their bag still.

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No it isn't, it takes some careful handling but its not difficult, just it isn't a two minute job to do.


Take your old pipes off complete & use them as a template like I did in this post


You also need a union (ring 1562 36) & union (1563 23, unless you use your old one) but I think you have to buy the minimum order of the rings, 5 iirc.





each to their own.


but i struggled to get the new lines formed perfecty like o/e

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What about replacement rubber hoses? that go on either side of the lines. Will an 8mm pop off or will that be fine?


I will take alook at my old lines, as ive tried to make myself new brake lines.... believe me the first attempt is an epic fail :lol:

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8mm is fine, Never had a issue with it, But I do flare the ends out to stop the hoses popping off like any water pipe fitting.


The bending is dead simple (For me) but there is a art to it, Do all mine by hand along with the brake lines

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I used a piper bender... as im no expert at using one i think it confused me more! which lead to me using my hands after about 2hours of confusion!

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Kevin s

I did mine with 8mm stainless steel tube, and the brake pipes in 3/16" stainless tube. All bent out of one length, the brake pipes have 22 bends each! I'm a hydraulic tech so do quite a bit of pipe fitting. Its not somthing that is easy if you have never done it before, and could be quite expensive if you start making stainless scrap! It realy looks the part though.

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I like the sound of stainless. I'm getting ready to convert mine to E85 so that would be ideal. There's various quality EFI rated rubber hose on the market. You definitely get what you pay for. I use 8mm for everything except filter to Mi16 fuel rail which is 10mm. You need a 10mm banjo fitting on the filter however.

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