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Front And Rear Speakers Stopped Working, Are They On The Same Fuse?

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I first had a problem the other day, the passenger door speaker started crackling a little and then cutting out. (like a bad reception on the radio). Then yesterday the driver side started doing it even with a CD playing, and now the rears are'nt working either. Checked all the settings on the head unit in case my mate was playing tricks, and neither work when set to each specific corner.


It's only the rear ones that have been changed but they've been in there for at least 3 years, the rest are original. And the head unit being in for the 2 years I've owned the car.Would this be the wiring behind the unit maybe? Or just simply a knackered speaker and blown the fuse?



Edited by DanRM

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Won't be the fuse if the player itself still powers up and appears to function.


More likely the amp in the player has failed, possibly from a failed speaking, but remove it and check that it's not wet - a leaking heater matrix tends to drip straight onto the top of the head unit and will often cause odd issues before causing it to fail completely. Obviously worth checking that it's not just the wiring connector for the speakers behind the head unit has come loose, as that too would explain the speakers dropping away one after the other but the player still appearing to function correctly.

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I checked the heater matrix after and it seemed fine, gave the wires a bit of a wriggle and they worked ok the last few weeks. Must of missed something on the matrix though as yesterday I was driving and smoke started coming out of the dash, I looked in through the ash tray and there was a nice little orange glow from the back of the player, So now I've taken the cd player out and the ISO adapter was wet.


Might seem a stupid question but how safe is the car to use whilst this leak is there? will there be anything else around there to cause problems like before or can I still drive it safely for work. And when I fix the matrix should I check all the wiring behind the dash, or would a good dry out do the trick?



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If something shorted out sufficiently that it was glowing orange and smoking, you REALLY need to check it all over properly before using it.


Bad things happen once you've let the smoke out of the wires...

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Bad things happen once you've let the smoke out of the wires...


i love this saying,havnt heard it for years.

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Thought I might have to :(, think i'll take the car off the road and begin my project early then. Looking behind the glove box it looks like there was an electrical fault somewhere before as theres loads of wires, more than there should be. Some with melted plastic and some with cut ends. Looks like someone did a quick job to replace some wires and left the old ones in

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