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205 1.6 Wont Start! Help

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A few days ago i was on my way home and when i came in the gate it just died and would not restart,i left it for a few days due to being busy,it wouldnt start but after alot of cranking it would crank into life,so i left it for a few minutes,knocked it off and went to restart and nothing ,few (alot)more cranks and spluttering and it came back into life ,jumped in to move it and when i banged the door it cut out


so iv checked spark,its fine

i have power at injectors

i have fuel upto the rail(relay ok)


after cranking you can smell petrol,so i assume its injecting


plugs are damp(not soaking wet)


this also happened a few weeks ago but once i got it running again,it was fine


i cleaned out and dried the dizzy cap with wd40(was not damp)


it seems like loose wires or something,but i cant see any in the bay

Edited by mmcgtk

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is there an ifs switch fitted to the 1.6?

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IFS switch?


If you can get it to start and run, I would leave it ticking over whilst you go around and tap / wiggle all the connections, sections of wiring loom and componants until you can get it to cut out. I've had similar issues before - one was a tachymetric relay with a cracked solder joint (resoldered and it was fine), and the other was presumably a broken wire on the loom (cable tied it to something solid so that it couldn't move fixed it)

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inertia switch, not as standard, though do recall seeing one on a late SPI engine.

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i got it started again,drove it up the road back again ,knocked it off ,coughed into life again,then dead once again,i compaired the spark between another 1.6 and it seems weak and inconsistent,so i order new plug leads and a service kit


i also heard a slight faint tick coming from the coil mounted on the intake manifold

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ignition amps can be little monkeys too!!

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Rob Thomson

The HT connection on the coil can cause problems as it seems to attract water. Try giving it a clean before you fit your new leads.

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Fuel pump relay, ignition amplifier, rotor arm, leads. I'd check in that order.

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ive changed the pump relay with a known working one,so im going to try the ignition amplifer, am i right in thinking that its at the passenger chassis leg


is there any way of testing it?

Edited by mmcgtk

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is there any way of testing it?


Well , apparently no .. can just check the voltage and try heating the amp with a fan or cold it down with CO2 spray and see if it makes any difference on running the engine ..


So , try a known good used amp , old blue Bosch amp is best ..


D B)

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Matteo , we all need to book an French teaching lessons :lol:


D B)

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I got a few hours at it last week,changed the amp with a known working one,that didnt work,changed the coil and bingo!!


So ive just replaced the standard coil with a 12v coil from my local mf

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Matteo , we all need to book an French teaching lessons :lol:


D B)

You can change the language at the bottom.

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.. indeed ! haven't seen that on a first look :blush:



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