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How To Protect Your Tires And Keep Them Longlife?

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Tried to search with no results.

I got myself a set of 4 new tires today , and concerned that they will wear out fast , for the car

makes only 1500-2000 K'M a year , and parked outside , exposed to the hot & cold weather.

Are there any tips / tricks / materials / anything I can use and apply to protect them?


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Can't say I've heard of any specific products to prolong the life of tyres myself, but for me personally just making sure the pressures are correct, make sure the toe/tracking at the front is correct and don't drive around doing handbrake turns or burnouts and any tyres should last a good while.

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How about powdering them once a while?

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cover them in lard. it will impact handling though.


alternatively, use the car more and replace them when the rubber perishes

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Forget the lard unless you like sliding, just cover them in sacking and poly to keep the weather off them!

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Take em off and leave em inside a spare room when not in use for long periods. Its the cold that perishes rubber more than anything.

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cover them in lard. it will impact handling though.


alternatively, use the car more and replace them when the rubber perishes

Lard ? what is that?


"" sacking and poly" - what is this , too?

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Lard is fat from cooking horrible grease stuff! :o

Sacking is the material bags are made off and poly is short for plastic.!

I would not think your tyres would suffer from cold where you live, more from the sun and heat, so covering them from contsant sun would help! :)

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Lard ? what is that?

Rendered pork cooking fat - great for a heart attack - but I suspect it might be just a minor issue given your location...


To be honest, I think your question might be best asked locally - it's not normally a problem here in the UK, but it's not really 205-specific... I know tyres suffer from UV light exposure, so keeping them covered whilst the car's not in use is going to be your main goal - which will be good for the paint and interior, too. Heat not so much of a problem - they'll get hotter in use.

Edited by TooMany2cvs

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