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Where Do I Find Oil Temperature Wire.

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Like most my oil tempreture cable has snapped/burnt/broken off somewhere.


I still have the nut and connector on the bottom of the sump.


Where does the wire come from? Brown plug?



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It'll be the white(ish) wire on the under bonnet brown multiplug (probably around the starter/gearbox area).


Chances are that the wire is probably in poor condition, and like the other wires on the multiplug, worth completely replacing back to the brown multiplug in the drivers footwell (completely removing the under bonnet one in the process)

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Great. Another job job I am unable to do. I am a useless mechanic. ????


I can machine polish a car to an inch of its life but once I open the bonnet I am clueless.


Cheers Anthony.


I'll have a look under the drivers footwell and see what I can see.


Would this wire come through the bulkhead then straight down to the sump rather than via the brown plug in the engine bay?

Edited by iPlod999

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Tom Fenton

Great. Another job job I am unable to do. I am a useless mechanic.


I can machine polish a car to an inch of its life but once I open the bonnet I am clueless.


Would this wire come through the bulkhead then straight down to the sump rather than via the brown plug in the engine bay?


Shame you are so far away, I have a couple of cars that need machine polishing to within inches of their lives.


The wire will only come from the bulkhead direct to the sump if someone has been there before you making a "repair". I use inverted commas as its a bit rough and ready just lashing a wire in.


The white wire as described comes from the brown plug of doom running in a small conduit with a red and a yellow wire which only go as far as the engine coolant senders on the back of the thermostat housing. The white wire then continues on down the back of the block to the sump.

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i changed my brown multi plug with super seal plugs cured a lot of electical problems

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I'll put my neck on the line and suggest that it's not a particularly important fault to fix, if wirings not really your thing. The oil temp gauge never really rises much unless you are really hammering the car at fairly high revs and/or high load for a prolonged period.


Worth fixing for anyone who takes a bit of pride in their car and wants everything to work as it should, but if it's a case of it just causing more headaches because you feel out of your depth, and might have to pay someone to do it for you, then I'd perhaps not worry about getting it fixed.


And, not wishing to put the frighteners on you (but feel obliged to set a realistic expectation) there's every chance that fiddling with the brown plug to fix this problem could then result in the other connections being affected and needing remedial work. The thing with the brown plug is that it's often fine left alone, sat snuggly on top of the gearbox, even with corroded wires and terminals. But as soon as you touch the bloody thing those corroded wires and terminals get very termperamental, or just break completely. With that in mind, I'd be wary of going near the brown plug unless you had every intention of replacing it altogether and chopping out any rotten wires.


I'm honestly not trying to put you off, but you need to know what you're in for.

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Cheers Tom.


I would be more than happy to polish someone's car in return for other 'work'.




Your right. The oil tempreture gauge is a nice to have rather than a need to have. But it's just one of the things that bug me.


I understand what you are saying in regard to leaving the plug in case of making further problems. I am we'll aware of my limitations.


Jackherer sorted out my hot start problem in September. Fantastic job and the old girl starts immediately on the turn of the key even in the minus tempretures we have recently had. Although, I have noticed he has not been on here of late and he was quite a trek from me.



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Quite simple to repair to be honest.


Locate the multi plug that sits on top of gearbox above head.


The plug will have 6 wires. The two end ones are blue (starter) and whit (oil temp)


Just replace this wire from the sensor to the plug.

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or even better, remove the 7 slot plug under the AFM totally, that's IF your car even has one, as not all 205's do.

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Had a quick look under the bonnet. I can see the plug under the AFM and only the plug. Wires tucked away out of sight.


I may give it a little go at the weekend taking out the AFM and other pipes above it.


If I get as far as exposing the plug. I will go very slow and gentle.


If I have any doubts, I won't.


I'll let you know how I get on????

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