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Parts Availability

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Been a few years since I had my last pug and going to be in the game for another soon will be looking for a 1.9 GTI white but my question is whats it like to get parts for the pugs now? are they going scarce abit like mk1 golf parts?

what parts are obsolite now?

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quite a few parts are no longer available from peugeot as has been said many times on the forum but most things can still be sourced second hand and some parts are being remanufactured or reproduced so dont despair we can all still keeps our 205's on the road :)

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More and more 205 specific parts from Peugeot are becoming unavailable, but considering how long it's been since the last one was built I think we are luckier than most give credit. It's obviously only going to get worse and worse as time goes on.


There are a vast amount of used parts available which some people have naturally been avoiding where possible and using new - but more people will have to 'resort' to using good used items.


Like everything else, people will (and have) create reproduction parts while the demand is there for it.


A 205 really is a practical classic.

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