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Painting Badges?

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My Pug front grille logo and all rear boot badges are faded. Has anyone ever painted them successfully?

I was thinking about spraying them silver, then a few coats of black, then rub through the top surface of black exposing the silver for the silver actual letters/Pug logo outline??

I don't think I can get a nice edge painting the silver by hand.


Is this the best way to do it? I can't really justify £80 on badges!!

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Buy good condition used units for a fraction of the price. Pop a wanted advert up.


As Ed China says - "There's always someone on a tighter budget than me".

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There is someone on here that painted theirs with good results. Hopefully someone will find a link for you

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there not gastly from pug about 10 each for 205 and pug badge on the rear board and 14 for the front lion. The red gti badge isnt sold anymore so may have to tart that up

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Thanks for that - those look great. Do you have any tips? How many coats of each colour did you give it and how fine was the sandpaper?

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Didn't use sandpaper, after I had sprayed them silver/red I let that go off for a few days then gave them a couple of coats of black in quick succession. Then using a cotton bud and white spirit I just removed the black where I wanted it.(after the paint solvent had evaporated but before it had cured)


Leave a day or so then lacquer over the lot.


The red is actually just red oxide primer on mine but you can use cherry red or whatever.

Edited by pugpete1108

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