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Right, I don't post much, But I do read the stuff here quite a bit, especially the technical info.


My old 106 is due it's cambelt again, and I'll probably just buy the cambelt kit, Alternator drive belt, and water pump from peugeot for easiness (and correct parts hopefully)


But I'm thinking of changing the coolant from the blue stuff to the long life (normally red) stuff that most new cars use. I know you have to flush all the old coolant out as they don't mix well, but has anyone else tried the long life stuff in a TU engine? (ally block, wet liner, silvertop TU1JP HFX - lots of different types of metal in there). Any recommended coolant brands?

Also, worth changing the top engine mount rubber while your there? (the one under the ecu) or just keep the old one?

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I've been using G12Plus plus in an alloy block TU for years, doesn't leak out, doesn't go all dirty and everything's spotless when it's stripped down,no corrosion nothing :)

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I use the red stuff in my ally block Tu with no issues, I always have in at least 4.


I'd double check if you can mix red and blue..

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I'd double check if you can mix red and blue..

AIUI, no, it can cause gelling, blocking waterways. A little bit of leftover's OK, but you definitely don't want too much in there.


I'd give it a good flush through between draining and refilling - probably fill it with plain water, get it up to temp and properly bled, then drop it all out again to make sure it's as clean as possible.

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Well, it was done a month or so go. In the end up I used glysantin g33 (what peugeot recommends). All seems well.

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if your serious about coolant best bet is evans waterless coolant, best stuff out there, i'm slowly converting all my cars to it. google it evans 180 :)

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