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Topaz Blue 205 1.9 Mystery Running Problems

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Hi every one, been under the bottom of the topaz today since 11 this morning and the car is being a pain, I have gone over some old threads but i cant pin point the problem so I will explain.


The car has run with out any problems for a long while now and drove like a dream thursday night after I taxed it but then I decided to take off the fsa power boost valve and put a normal one on it after running it around to see everything was ok but I jumped in it friday night and it will not start, I have got a spark, fuel and it turns over but it wont fire, now moveing on to today I put the powerboost valve back on and still wouldnt fire so I started to go threw all the plugs to see if one mite of come off some where but nothing was found, I went on to take off the hoses to the SAD valve and remove AFM and gess what happens the 205 comes to life on the first turn so I thought I would put it all back together for a quick lap round the block and gess what it refuses to fire and just sits there turning over, now I have a few temp sensors and SAD valves kicking about so I had a swap round and still nothing so I took the wireing loom out of the car and laid it on the bench and checked every wire from the ECU all the way to the plug ot termernal looking for a lose or broken wire and gess what nothing was found.


This is one of the questions I have got will a 8 valve SAD operate with a 12v power supply off a car battery as I tryed it on a MI16 one and it worked and opened up????? I have got my silver 205 laid up for the winter and that car is a first time starter so i dont no to take ECU temp sensor, afm and maybe SAD valve but I dont relly want to start pulling the silver one a part and the topaz 205 has got to have a silly problem some there, that is probly right in front of me but being on the car all day with not much luck,


I thought I woulds let you guys have a laugh at me, any thoughts would be of a great help, the other thing I am abit embarrassed to ask is how do I use the vault meter to test a SAD valve and ECU temp sensor, I have got a lazer one that came from maching mart but it means nothing to me

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Any one no where I can find a new Distributor signal lead to amp cable, been on service box but that shows up nfp???????????

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Good luck, most are hard and worn out these days, Might be worth trying to find a Bosch dealer?

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Can make the cable easily by yourself .. just 4 terminals and some wire (the third one is a shielding wire .. don't need that , just the two for the signal ..) , connect one end to the dizzy pick up coil and another to the ignition amp connector .


You can verify the signal from the pick up coil by connecting the terminals to the pick up coil , connect multimeter probes (adjusted on buzzer) on the end , and spin the dizzy shaft - if it's good it'll transmit pulse sound like morse code as you spin the shaft , if not just swap the terminal connections the other way around ...


Damir B)

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I went back on service box and i was looking at a older set up, I got the part 5911 43 which is called ignition connector and that is £32 all in, will give them a ring Monday and see what happens.


Miles, if I cant get it running it will be heading to you.


DamirGTI, I wondered if I could make one up.


Thank you for the quick reply's. I have had the car running a few times today and it just loses its spark and dies, I have hard wired the fuel pump as well to see if that is faulty, so glad I dipped my hand in my pocket and brought some spark plug caps that light up if there is a spark going threw, made life easy today. I have got a new amp on way as I have had to un clip it on and off and I get a spark then it dies so got to be lead or amp or even both as I have got a feeling they are off my silver one, that had problems a few years ago before I replaced it all and that fires first time.

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Try a good working old blue Bosch amp , just don't forget to put the heat sink paste !


As for cable , it's really simple to make one :)



Ditto , connect everything up and try wiggling/twisting/bending the dizzy cable while someone cranks the engine ... and see what happens .



Damir B)

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The early cables use a different connection,

The paste is not needed, run loads for more years than I care to remember without a single issue

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Yes but , it's still easy to DIY ... it's just the matter of pulling two wires from the dizzy pick up coil to the amp. connector , that's it .


Dunno i always use heat sink paste/jelly , and did have "dry out" burnt amps ..

If it's in the box with the amp. (a proper one has small bag of jelly) , it's meant for some use .


Damir B)

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Dale, I found one today, you can have it if you still need one

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