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2004 X5 4.8Is

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Morning all :)


I buying a 2004 x5 4.8is it's got 74k on it,


Has anyone had any experience with one of these, any problems to lookout for?


I've done a bit of research and the later models seem to have a good review.


Any comments are really appreciated




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I know if you boot it, the fuel gauge drops at exactly the same rate as the rev counter goes up.


Great feature :)

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Henry Yorke

This is the Alpina engined one. I think the servicing costs are probably close the that of an M5 so make sure you have deep pockets!


X5s are bad for worn bushes and there are lots to replace. Also the tyres are a fortune too so check the state of those

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Thanks for the comments ;) there really appreciated,


Cheers for that link Simes, that will come in really useful mate


Was checking tyres and that all look like new, but your right there not cheep think around £130each mind I suppose they would be as the fronts are 275/40R20 and the rears 315/35R20 lol and that the standards size it came out the factory with

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Isnt it a bit late to ask now :lol:


They go through rear tyres, but its just how they are.

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Boss at work had one for his Mrs for a very short while - he had no end of trouble with the air suspension, IIRC, and has been said it ate rear tyres - they were £600 a pair at the time unless you went for Linglongs etc.


It did go very well for what it was though, and with the Mrs driving I think it averaged about 21mpg.


He chopped it in for an E39 M5 after about 6 months, and the Mrs went back to a Ka!

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Tom Fenton

not cheep think around £130each

I think you will find you need to double that figure.

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looking on mytyres you can get them as low as £90 each for the fronts, but there's no decent brands till £136 which is a Hankook budget Tyre, their premium tyre is near double at £245.


A Pirelli will be £205 up, Continental start around £230, Michelin at £245.


this is just front Tyres which don't tend to wear badly, look at the rears and if they are the size you say you're in for a world of pain...


even a nangkang is £165, falken at £213, Michelin £267 upwards, Pirelli don't start till £300+.







think I'll be sticking to my 15's ta :lol:

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just like all fast 4x4's an utter abomination that should not be allowed on the road,lethal weapon in the hands of a f***tard which sadly a high percentage of the owners seem to be.should be banned from towns and cities and anyone who drives one should have to sit a special driving test,a bad drivers favourite car as when they crash into some innocent wee girl in her corsa they know they are not going to be hurt.have seen the danage these things do when they hit a car and it can be nasty

just my tuppence worth :D

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Mad Scientist

I serviced one for a mate for a while, but think it was a 4.4?


Suffered driveshaft failure, split front disk, couple of ball joints, broken maf, faulty aircon/failed resistor, broken passenger door mechanism, broken fan, failed alternator and a sheared exhaust. All in 18 months.


Apart from that, it was a cracking motor.

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just like all fast 4x4's an utter abomination that should not be allowed on the road,lethal weapon in the hands of a f***tard which sadly a high percentage of the owners seem to be.should be banned from towns and cities and anyone who drives one should have to sit a special driving test,a bad drivers favourite car as when they crash into some innocent wee girl in her corsa they know they are not going to be hurt.have seen the danage these things do when they hit a car and it can be nasty

just my tuppence worth :D


Banned from towns and cities eh? Careful now, that sort of leftie opinion is the sort of thing you might want to keep under wraps, if you consider yourself a motoring enthusiast.

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Banned from towns and cities eh? Careful now, that sort of leftie opinion is the sort of thing you might want to keep under wraps, if you consider yourself a motoring enthusiast.

never been called one of them before :o dont care about fuel consumption thats the owners lookout :D ,more based on safety of other road users,and the fact that its a 2 1/2-3 tonne offroad vehicle that is not really fit for purpose in city centres and in the wrong hands can be a lethal weapon,imho these vehicles should only be allowed for towing caravans or going offroad not for the school run or a trip to harvey nicks,absolutely no need for luxury 4x4's apart from to inflate the owners ego,i just see them as dangerous and unecessary

my best friends dad killed a guy in his discovery,guy pulled out a junction right in front of him and the discovery went right through the door and wheels went up and over the sills and pushed the guy right through the passengers door,if he had been driving a car guy would have survived i would think,this was at 30 mph in town :o

have been to a few bad accidents involving 4x4's and the damage they cause is pretty awful,there are plenty of bad drivers out there driving plenty of different vehicles but when you put an idiot in a high powered 4x4 he/she becomes a very dangerous idiot indeed,and if one ploughs into you and you are lucky enough to survive then you will realise this

the size and the build of the vehicle also gives the driver a sense of invincibility i feel which leads them to become more aggresive in their driving style and take more risks,and even try to bully other road users who will always come off worse if they tangle with a 4x4.

dont have anything against 4x4 drivers on the whole its more the vehicle than anything else,thought i would try to explain my earlier comments a bit better as it just came accross as a bit of a rant :angry:

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I finally picked it up yesterday :D


Here she is







I am super pleased with it, just getting use to it still but it's a really nice car to drive, fast too :) and the sound :D




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One thing a lot of owners I've seen have is water ingress in the rear lights causing shorts and the light boards to corrode, not sure if this was addressed at any point but can't hurt to have a quick peak?

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Henry Yorke

That does look nice :)

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Nice. I was expecting to see a mk1 X5.

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Looks smart, nice one.

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Mate at work has one. Four new tyres and front pads&discs were £1650


Nice cars but personally I prefer the Q7

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Not really my thing but looks tidy

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Finally got round to taking couple videos of the X5, thought a put them up for you to have a look and a listen






Gave it a clean when I was on too :)




Now I've had it a while I have to say I absolutely adore it, jus the most comfortable thing to drive and fast and fun too, just doesn't ever feel like it weights over 2.5tones. I could defo recommend one :)




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Very nice, guess you don't do a lot of miles then?

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Thanks Alan_m


We don't do many mile a year, prob around 5k but we go upto top Scotland for holidays a few times a year so it's perfect for that. I've been gettin 24mpg on average on my trips up there. Gets about 16mpg round the doors.

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