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Mi16 Throttle Body Hoses

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Hi, Im just coming to the end of my mi16 conversion and have a couple of last bits to work out before i can try and start her up!


First of all who can tell me what goes onto this pipe on the throttle body?



Secondly where does this pipe go? it was on the throttle body when i recieved the engine but i dont know where the other end goes!


It goes onto the middle pipe of the throttle body.


The final thing! My accelerator cable appears to be to short, how do people normally get round this?


Thanks for any help!

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I think that unused connection is the return for the cooling circuit - if so, it stays unused if you're not using that (see below)


The other pipe can be removed - it looks like the coolant hose for the thermostat to throttle body. Personally, I would just get rid of the throttle body heating circuit completely and plumb the thermostat bypass straight to the header tank, which it looks like you've done.


Easiest solution is to buy a new throttle cable, which comes as a generic kit that you can cut to length.

Edited by Anthony

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The photo is looking from the dizzy towards the front of the car. The unused port is the one furthest from the grill, the bit of pipe is on the middle port. Ill leave the coolant pipe off then.


The pipe which T's to the breather, i have a small bit of pipe from the front port (closest to the grill) which meets the pipe going to the oil filler cap. Should my unsed on T into the SAD pipe?


Ideal ill pick up a cable tomorrow

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