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406 Window Switch Wiring

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I'm in the proccess of fitting electric windows into my gt, an have scavenged some 406 switches to use, which I'll fit in the little tray in front of the gearstick. the switches have 6 wires on each, and I'm just trying to figure out which does what?

I'm guessing that there would be:

switched live for the bulb inside the switch

two lives up/down

an earth

ignition on switched live


these are mostly guesswork and I'm not sure which would be which, if anybody has any info on this it would be much appreciated! thanks :)



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cant help with your question but if you need any more parts from a 406 i have a spare car here

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cheers welshpug, I had seen that already, but couldn't make much sense of it, the wires I have are numbered:

6002- small yellow/green

6112- grey

6121- grey

6101- brown

6111- orange

6122- purple



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the wires I have are numbered:

6002- small yellow/green

6112- grey

6121- grey

6101- brown

6111- orange

6122- purple


Usually the wire colouring also hints at the use, 6002 should be an earth, confirmed by the linked diagram & also the M prefix but my autodata doesn't agree;





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