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What Peugeot Seats?

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Hi What seats will directly fit the 205 without modification and both front and back fit?


306 seats?




406 seats?




206 seat?




or preferably the 106 gti seats?




is there a list of what model seats can be used? im sure this must have been convered before but i cannot find anything when using the search.



Edited by NFS

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All are going to require some modification or adaptation. 309's are the closest, as the rears fit directly IIRC and the fronts only require simple adaptation.


Generally speaking, most non-205 front seats are too wide to mount directly to the original rails, and thus require brackets making up to adapt them. Rears typically are not going to fit, or will require a fair amount of modification to do so.

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406 are massive and very heavy, 206 is pretty large also but I have seen them in a 306 without issue (206 is taller)


106 are nice seats and most likely to fit without too much bother,

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306 seats I do believe fit if you strip the sub frames off.

I've seen some in a 205 and I think they bolted straight on to 205 subframes


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Thanks it's good to know. So had anyone done this before and documented it? I like the 106 seats but they are hunted by the Saxo and 106 chavs so they are hard to find for a good price. Chhers

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