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[Misc_Work] Peugeot 205 Rallye, Engine Done...now Suspension!

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Tom Fenton

Turn the steering wheel all the way to one lock. Make a mental note of where one of the spokes is, I usually use the one at 6 o clock when the wheel is straight. Having made that mental note turn it to the other lock, count the full turns and make a judgement on the fraction of turns. Divide this number in two, turn the steering back by that number, you have now centred the rack.

Next step remove the steering wheel and move it so it points straight ahead.

Lastly adjust the tracking, keep the wheel where it is.

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On gti wishbones now.


If I do centre the rack this way then to get the wheels pointing straight ahead, one of the tie rod ends will have to be further out than the other, which I thought would give different arm lengths and have bad effects.

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id say its a bit high in the front ;)

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After looking at it again last night, you were right Tom, I thought that it was way off but the wheel only needed moving a spline over to get it centred. I will now take it to a garage to get the tracking done.


On a side note, my nearside driveshaft had worn again, so I thought I would have a look at doing it properly this time. I have a 106 rallye gearbox and in the past have just used normal 205 shafts. This time I built up enough courage to get a 106 driveshaft and swap the inner joints over. It was actually a pretty easy job, and gives me peace of mind that it should last longer and is the correct part for the gearbox!

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Went on a last minute track day at Llandow yesterday to give the new suspension a try. Luckily the weather dried up nicely so after a damp morning the sun came out in the afternoon. It was also quite quiet there with only 25 cars there so managed to get a lot of track time without queuing up, did over 100 track miles!


The new suspension was a great improvement, much less roll and under steer, and the lift off oversteer was very controllable and a lot of fun! Not much tread left on the tyres now!





Edited by Wallby

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standard tyre wear for the bus stop :D

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Over the Christmas break and the few weekends after, I have given the car a little bit of a freshen up. It's had a mini service, a new nissens radiator, thermostat, header tank and fresh new coolant. Also fitted a new omp wrc wheel which feels lovely!





Edited by Wallby

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I'm hoping to achieve something similar to this! Great work you have done. Shame rallye seats are now like hens teeth!

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I remember it being mentioned in a previous thread about the rev limiter on a tu24 being built into the rotor arm.


Mine currently has a standard arm so that means no limiter. I have been doing some searching this afternoon and have come across the one below,




Can anyone confirm if this is the correct part?

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Had a bit of a breakthrough in the garage this week! Decided to give the carbs a service with all new gaskets and a thorough clean to see if it would sort out the balancing issue. I have always had trouble balancing them perfectly and thought that my rough running at idle was down to this.


After putting everything back together and checking the balance with 4 vacuum gauges there was something still not right. I then spotted a small fuel leak from the cold starting device, and on further inspection with a piece of pipe in my ear, that it was also sucking in air. It seems as though the cold start device will not return fully, causing a big vacuum leak and also causing it to run really rich. I took the device off as I never use it, ensured that the valves were fully closed and it now runs much better!


Looking on the net it seems like this is a well-known problem so blanking plates were quickly purchased. These were fitted last night ready for a balancing session this afternoon! I’m hoping that this fix will also bring the emissions down too!





Edited by Wallby

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Llandow trackday booked againg for Saturday, can't wait!

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Another great sunny day at Llandow last week. The car is so much more fun to drive now with the new suspension and rear beam.


Also fitted a rev limiter which is built into the rotor arm. Good job really as it has shown me just how bad the rev counter is, over 1500rpm out!





Edited by Wallby
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Car looks great in those Llandow photos!


This thread is excellent btw - keep up the good work :)

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I have noticed that since the last track day the steering wheel seems to have moved off centre. I have had a quick look underneath and the TREs are still in the same position as I marked them up after getting the tracking done last time.


Any ideas what could have moved before I get the alignment checked?

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steering rack, wishbone bush, balljoint.

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Got under the car on the weekend and checked all those things listed. Everything was still tight and there was no obvious signs of movement.


I'll get the alignment done again this week and see if that shows up anything.

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Another great day at Llandow on the weekend, car didn't miss a beat again!


DCC's 205 also looked to be going very well and sounded great!





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Another trackday at Castle combe last week. Only the second time I've been there and the car performed brilliant again. It still surprises me what this car can keep up with, goes very well for a 1.4!

I was hitting the limiter in 5th just before Avon rise so I will have to try and calculate what speed that is.





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Great pics and a great thread.


Did you find out what caused the wheel to move off centre..?

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Cheers! No don't think I ever did find the cause. Had the alignment put back and has been fine since.

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I took the car to a local rolling road the other day, the main aim of the visit was to check the balance of the carbs, get it to idle a bit better and do a power run to check the fuelling over the full rev range.


The car only needed a few minor adjustments to the balance and 1 carb needed a bit more fuel at idle. The power run also went well and it made a very nice curve, running a little rich throughout. Headline figure was 112bhp which is good for a standard tu24 head and cam.


The only thing it could benefit from now is to raise the rev limit as it cut in just after it made peak power. It has a standard limiter built into the rotor arm at the minute which is supposed to limit it to 7100rpm, not the 6500rpm it cuts in at! I'm planning on removing this and fitting a Omex electronic limiter or similar to sort this out.


The car idles much better now and is much smoother/easier to drive on part throttle/pulling away. Good morning all round!



Edited by Wallby

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never knew there was a rolling road there!

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Neither did I until a few weeks ago! Its pretty old school but perfect for what I needed.

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Still cant believe how well this goes after being on the same day at combe - just goes to show outright bhp means nothing if everything else doesn't work together. Great example of a well put together car driven well - was quicker on the day than my (not so well driven) 200bhp gti6

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Just booked another trackday at Pembrey for this Saturday. Looking forward to getting out in it again and also to learning a new track!

Hope the weather is kind too!

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