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1992 1.9 205 Gti Exo'd

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Wise word GLpoomobile.


The stuff I used was 2nd hand. £80 for a 75% can of EXO and a quarter bottle of the C1.


Retail for both new products would have been £145. I would never have laid out that much.


I usually look after the car with Autoglym Super Resin Polish and their Extra Gloss Protection. About £20 the pair.


It can can a little OCD. Have a look around the detailing world forums and you will see what I mean ;)


For me it has kept me same over the summer. I had 3 months off work with Bells Palsy, half a paralysed face. Fortunately, I had full use in the rest of my body and working on the car gave me an 'out'.


With good products on the car. It only need a quick hose down and wipe.

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Never rated the super resin stuff.. i used g1 hand polish in the past, and with my das6 i have menza which seems to do the job..


do you not machine your 205 dude..?

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I use a rotary, very carefully, to get out scratches. With menzerna pads and polish. 2000 and 3500 from memory.


I do like SRP, fillers in to hide stuff, and EGP to go over the top. On a black car it does a good job.


Never used a DA but they do look a lot safer.

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Cant beleive i asked that, as its even in your first post haha.. memory like a fish at times ^_^


Never tried a rotary but most say the Da is pointless for anything more than a final shine as it takes too long.. i just dont have the balls for a rotary haha :lol:

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It can can a little OCD.


Hopefully you are using the trendy detailing slang for "obsessive cleaning disease", and not the psychological condition Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Misuse of the term OCD is a bit of a bug-bear for me :) Bit like me joking that I have Tourettes just because I've got a potty mouth :D

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Loads of guys around dude, in Bournemouth but don't do other people's cars.


I know a lad in ringwood if its not too far..?


Cheers MG, Ringwood's not too far from me, is the guy a business or does it for fun? Any idea of cost? A mate of mine had his HSV maloo ute detailed by TML valeting which is local to me and had good results. If I had the time I'd do it myself but sadly I dont & as with most cant justify the initial outlay for all the equipment / products.


I'd just like to find someone that does it for a living but also does PJ's?

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He does it on the side but has done some class motors, only a young lad but Is really into it.

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Cool, can you PM me his details?

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Happy to help mate. Only half an hour of so from you :)

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