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Afr Meters

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What's everyone's current favourite on this topic? I need to buy a new one as the my Innovate LC-1 went silly. It was fine while it was working but it's now putting out 7V continuously from the 0-5V output. I reflashed it once before to revive it but not this time. One thought was to buy locally, thus having support, eg something from Techedge.com.au or M&W. However, I used an NGK AFX Powerdex last week and was very impressed. They're only approx US$250 on ebay. Another thought is the basic Innovate LM-2, approx US$300 on eBay.





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Tom Fenton

I've used/fitted a number of AEM widebands now. Had no problems with them except when I dropped a sensor (my own fault). Also they are very competitively priced. I also like that it is a neat system as all the gubbins is contained within the gauge/display.

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I want to fit an AEM wideband. Where do you source yours from Tom?

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Tom Fenton

I have bought mine from a performance shop in the USA, have family over there so have had them posted there and then picked up and brought back in my suitcase.


However they are dirt cheap on UK Ebay now, just looked and £122 gets one to your door.

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I've had success with the Innovate MTX-L - AFAIK it's basically pretty much an LC-1 controller that's integrated into a gauge/display, and is pretty cheap (although not quite as cheap as the AEM equivilent mentioned by Tom above).

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Also take a look at VEMS WBO2 - it's got EGT function as well.


205Mi32_Ph8_005.thumb.jpg 205Mi32_Ph8_062.thumb.jpg

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I've used both, the Innovate MTX-L that Anthony mentioned in my 205 and an AEM one in my Subaru.


I wasn't aware (until I bought the Innovate) that you are not supposed to have them plugged in the exhaust without supplying them with current (the heat resistor is supposed to protect them from getting damaged) and I was running the AEM one for months without being electrically connected, not sure if this has damaged it or decalibrated it, I stil get around 11 AFR on WOT and 14.7 in closed loop so I assume it is OK.


A friend of mine has been using an AEM for 2-3 years now without problems either.

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I have recently bought and fitted a Koso item off Ebay, from UK:






Works great, very fast response. Ready to go in less then 60 sec., no calibration needed. Really one of my best 205 related purchase :D

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