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Higher Then Normal Oil Pressure After Oil Change

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I have had a read through some of the older threads but they dont realy answer my question.


I have just changed my oil breather pipes to new silicone hoses because my car doesnt get out to often and the breather hoses bung up with that creamy oil mess, causing it to spit oil all over the engine probably due to it pressurising?


While changing them i decided to change my turbo oil return pipe with a 16mm dia with tom fentons know how to stop it leaking.


Anyway the car is on the same 10/40 oil as before but the pressures different. Before when warm it was quarter at idle and 3/4 on revs


Now when warm its 1/2 on idle and full on the gauge, i dont want to give it the beans because im sick ov cleaning the bay if it guffs all over again


Can anyone shed any light on the problem?


Cheers carl

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Sounds fine, mine is like the latter example.

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Thanks welsh


So should be fine that high as long as it can breath properly with clear pipes?

do you know what pressure yours runs at or is it on standard gauge?

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Standard guessometer, its to be expected that oil pressure will rise after an oil change especially after running issues that may have led to thinner oil.

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I'll put some heat in the oil on sunday and get the revs up see how it does,


ive just ordered an oil gauge to make things abit clearer instead of the guessometer like you say! haha


thanks again

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