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Failed Mot

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I failed the MOT today on the following points


1. Washer jets not working

2. Emissions

3. Colour of both Stop lights

4. Both Head Lamps insecure

5. FNS indicator insecure

6. Front anti rollbar links have play


As for rectifying these:


1. Washer jets are fine, i think my spray bars just need cleaning

2. Emissions have me a bit stumped, i didnt think on the mi16 that you could control this. I'll see the figures tomorrow and see how far these are out. Does anyone have any tips of how to get these down? My idle is a little high, about 1000 to 1100rpm will this affect the reading?

3. Looks like I'm going to need to get some stock rear lenses mine has smoked and have caused trouble in the past.

4. Im thinking that i might need parts 6223 15 & 6223 16. From memory maybe I need 6224 A1 also. Are these cheaper from GSF/Euro or better to get from Main Dealer?

5. Im hoping the indicator will be sorted with the above

6. Am i right in thinking I just need two of 5087 32, again is main dealer or motorfactors best?


Any tips or thoughts on the above will be welcome. :D

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The headlights always move due to the adjusters, Sometimes they pop out so worth checking, The real cheap headlights move around like nothing on earth so avoid them so Valeo, Lucas are all good to use, So any factor who can supply them are fine, Should be around £25.00 each.


Emission's are controlled by the screw on the AFM, so may need a tweak, mind the higher the RPM which you are allowed on a older car brings them down due to the engine becoming more efficient at higher RPM


The drop links are allowed minor movement before they can be failed, Tester's thinking here thou, But again Motaquip links are fine, New from Pug I think you may need to sit down

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Ta miles I'll get onto gsf then. Handy as i only live round the corner from them now :)

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Tom Fenton

Personally I would (and do) avoid GSF like the plague. Utter crap quality and the prices are not that cheap either. Find your local motaquip parts dealer and buy there.

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Worth noting that anything with Vtech on them avoid like the plague, these are the cheapest cheap you can buy, Example Rubber boots don't even last 12 months

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yup, always ask for the premium stuff.

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Motaquip droplinks ordered, rear lenses ordered. I'll have a look tonight what i need to secure the front lights and have a fiddle with the AFM and clean up the jets.


So far this is lookinng like a nice cheap MOT pass :D

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