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Standard Car Current Draw?

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I am having issues with my battery going flat a lot, I have searched and followed the usual suspects, pulling one fuse at a time, I have removed the old alarm as this was one issue,

I now have a draw of 11 mili amps, but I do not know if this is normal, does anybody know or could check their car for this figure. My car is a standard 1.9, no alarm.

Thank you

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I had this problem with my Impreza a while back so I was testing other cars. My stripped out 205 with an immobiliser had a current draw around the same figure as you have. I also tested a shogun and this again had a figure within 2 or 3 milliamps. My Impreza was about 40 milliamps when tested for half an hour or so.

11 mA shouldn't be a problem, have you tested the battery condition now the alarm is removed? What was the current draw with the alarm?

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With the alarm in place it was drawing 21 mili amps.

Because I cycle to work the car does not get used all that much and I would come to it at a weekend and it would not start, it got to the point where I would put it on charge on Friday ready for the weekend.

I think next I will insure the battery is fully charged and see how it lasts now.

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Also how do I test the condition of the battery?

Thank you

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11mA at 13.8V is only about 0.15 watts. A normal battery in good condition probably loses more than that through self-discharge, so and 11mA load shouldn't be what's flattening the battery.

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11mA is the draw now with the alarm removed,

If that's ok hopefully the days of it being flat are behind me.

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Also how do I test the condition of the battery?

Thank you


You can get a rough idea by measuring the Voltage at the battery. Take the battery out (or disconnect it) and charge it up fully, leave for 8 to 10 hours and measure. A good fully charged battery will show 12.7 Volts. 12.5 - 12.6 Volts is usable, any lower is an issue.

While you have your multimeter check the voltage at the battery with the engine at idle to check the alternator, should be in the range 13.5 - 13.8 Volts.

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Possible stereo wired in wrong?


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As others have said, 11mA is perfectly normal.


Even 21mA isn't that high, and better than many with an alarm install that I've seen, hence if it was routinely going flat within a few days I would be suspecting the battery is well past its best.

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